
Yeah, Sanitarium's not a ballad, it just has dynamics.

Ha! Zing!

If MacKaye wants to give his music away for free, that's his choice.

"When I hear the Cliff-era songs I'm not hearing a lot of low end."

"I think Lars Ulrich pretty much killed the Metallica brand…Him becoming the voice against the Napster"

This is the only band that I ever pulled the "Hey! They were MY band, you don't know" routine for.

I remember George Kennedy as playing the George Kennedy role for so many years, but his performance in Cool Hand is what demonstrates how good he was.

Better Off Dead?

As the intro pointed out, the hidden track is a thing of the past. But before it disappeared completely, I was especially amused by the frequent "New album from X, including two hidden tracks."

There's that old line about Pennsylvania being Pittsburgh and Philly with Alabama in between, and I've been around some of the more rural parts of PA, so yeah, there are pockets of "southern" here and there.

"Mastodon’s home below the Mason-Dixon"

That's how it worked for me.

" is a column-set gearshift that foreign to people, these days?"

Let me guess…you visited Pgh, got lost due to the complexity of the road system, and were force-fed pierogi and I.C. Light by natives until you puked?

That's true. A bit more informed, but of what good is the knowledge?

Yeah…affordable housing, active cultural scene, world-class universities, successful sports teams…what a terrible place.

"I lived near Pittsburgh for a while and people would get legit ANGRY if I called it soda."

Obviously I missed Rick putting the transmission in park. Have to watch for that during the repeat…

It's a crop.

"Though he did ruin a perfectly good truck."