
Thanks for the backstory. I had/have no idea.

See, that was my first thought too. Like you really enjoy this relationship, or you wish you could be part of Jim and Pam or Ross and Rachel.

My mom says I'm cool!
(Obligatory Simpsons reference to establish my bonafides…)

They are using a spotlight…

Thanks for the backstory. I had/have no idea.

If it wasn't for me having read Microserfs, I'd be thrown by this.

"If appears to be a Yankee version of y'all."

But how bad do they have it?


So during the dial-up era?

Sure…let's go with that.

I shouldn't have been so emotional about it, but there I was, crying.

Brown, white, yellow…it's a United Colors of Benetton three-way!

I too am in the dark on OTP, but I just don't care anymore. I'm too thrown by this whole "'shipping" thing.

I'm 45, so I've lived, with some awareness, through all of the 90s and I've never heard this term before.

Curiosity got the better of me.

Is this like the South Park episode where the Asian girls are making Craig and Tweek a couple? Does my answer even make sense then? Fry and Leela are a couple; am I supposed to pick two characters I want to be in a relationship?

I was going to make a DHL joke, but people seem to be genuinely committed to this concept.

"I get to taste-test 10 different kinds of lube"

"I get to taste-test 10 different kinds of lube"