
Please…no…no more…

So "'ship" is relationship? Is this really a thing…using this fragment as a word?

The birthplace of Tim Robbins AND Troy Aikman?

Clearly people think losing their accents is a bad thing.

Will there be steamed hams in these upstate locations?

" Same with T3… everyone dies in the end, and John Conners survival really doesn't make you feel that happy."

Ehh…weed would produce maximum veracity, but we're still pitching this as a mainstream rom-com…the weed angle could hurt box office.

Alright Terminator, let's sing "Time to Change"! You do the backgrounds!

I could see that. The Rockies are right there(for the required outdoorsy sequence), the downtown pedestrian mall(where our couple meets), there's a craft beer presence I think…

We need to do this as an urban/suburban story. Somebody from Naperville meets somebody at the Cubby Bear…and now you've got somebody waiting in traffic! And a climax at the O'Hare oasis. Maybe Hinsdale.

"People who actually live in Chicago and work in the city don't spend any time on the Edens."

Come on! They meet at Atlantic Beach, hang out at Jacksonville Landing, maybe the female character's father owns a boat so you've got Inter-coastal Waterway action…


"McG's only watchable film"

"between retcon and reboot."

I too had no expectations going in. I also didn't watch Freaks and Geeks or How I Met, so Jason Segal was an unknown for me.

Those are great! I think Corning is still in Rochester, so there's your work place. Columbus has a sports/college angle. Sacramento is near SF and wine country.

I don't think of Sarah Marshall as a rom-com. Too dark and honestly too funny.

"it would be nice to see a Hollywood comedy about young single people in Chicago, or Portland, or Austin"

1 is great, and still enjoyable to this day. 2 is good, but I find that punk-ass John Connor more irritating now than I did then. 3 is average, but it does have the important element of the bombs falling. That's almost enough right there.