
Just don't put the masks on. Also…

What is "All of them"?

I thought the show was great, and that's entirely because of Larry David. But I do have a thought on the band.

Yeah, I think the reviewer misheard/saw the exchange at the end. Carrie was getting her tubes tied, then suggested Fred get a vasectomy.

My family used to decorate the Xmas tree to EWF and Donna Summer in the late 70s/early 80s, and we're white. HBO used to regularly play a concert of theirs around the same time.

The toppings are cursed too.

"50 gallons of whisky would require quite a bit longer to properly age than 1 gallon of cocktails."

And afterward, you may not have that much longer to live!

"I've oaked my homebrew with oak chips before"

I agree with everything you said. I suspect the…solution…that comes out of that barrel tastes different not because of the wood influence, but because after six weeks, all the sugar in the mixers have mutated into who knows what.

I'm suspicious of the barrel aging. It takes years for whiskey to pick up flavors from the wood, and that's with temperature changes pressing the spirit into and out of the wood. How much fluctuation can your kitchen have?

Cleaning woman? CLEANING WOMAN!!!
(proceeds to choke Carl Reiner)

Whenever I'm pouring something granular into a pot, I always imagine Rigby pouring that endless stream of coffee.

"what you think about life overall"

Wrong maritime disaster.


I'm going to only briefly point out I said "many", not "all", and gave an example of non-asshole success in Rush.

Hmm…no mention of the new guitarist, Kiko Loureiro's contributions.

Morgan 2.0 on The Walking Dead.

And nobody dies!