
Screw Bob Geldof!

I'll feel fine?

Felder's positon has to be a challenge for a creative person. You're in the band, you're important, but you're not equal. You have ideas, and to you they're good ideas, but others in the band disagree.

That "asshole" thing…I don't want to suggest that being an asshole is required to be successful(by all accounts the guys in Rush are very nice), but there is an element of assholeishness in many successful people.

Does that still happen? I can't imagine anybody playing Eruption anymore…although I have no idea what teens learning the instrument aspire to play.

Your Guitar Center must attract a better quality of public noodler.

It's funny, I was burned out on the Eagles by classic rock radio in the late 80s and 90s like many people.

Hmm…do you want the mustache too, or just the head?

I'll keep Steely Dan if it's all the same to you.

Those blintzes were terrible!

On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.


"If the internet theory is true that Max in Fury Road is really the Feral Kid from Road Warrior then a film about that would be awesome!"


Damn. I wanted this to be about tasty, but overpriced bourbon.

Partial credit!

Don't misunderstand, I'm genuinely impressed with your routing. I can also see "fun with infrastructure" being an entertaining diversion.

Effective, but only if your destination if downtown Milwaukee, or you're meeting somebody there. Otherwise, driving is the only way to go. Slowly around/through Chicago that is…

If people stopped driving in Chicago, the city would no longer be the massive impediment to traveling between Indiana and Wisconsin that it is, and we can't have that.

"when I talk to true Millennials, they only see the dried British husk version of Madonna and they understandably are confused about how she was ever relevant"