
"I could see a few years making the difference."

35? You're too young to have appreciated the impact of Motley Crue. And I don't mean that in a shitty way.

Have you ever tried almonds with your scotch? Personally I love it.

Aww…now you've gone from taking cheap shots at bands you don't like to playing the righteous indignation card, and foolishly at that.

Do you find typing difficult while as high as you must be?

This explains why you think that female from Screaming Females shreds.

Man, that review just kept on going…

I thought that was understood; I don't feel bad because my comment wasn't bad. ;-)

And yet I don't feel bad.

Ok, just to be a good commenter, I listened to all 7+ minutes of "Doom 84" before I came here to make this plea…

Interesting. I'm a Star Wars fan, probably more than most but not as committed as some. I'd be curious to watch/listen to IV now and see if the original voices of the stormtroopers have been replaced with Jango Fett's voice.

Well…that depends.

"I thought they stopped using them by the original trilogy and just replaced them with generic recruits?"

Uhh…is that a good thing, a bad thing, or just a thing?

"Maybe you just need more eggnog."


Bad jokes are one thing. I felt it couldn't decide if it wanted to be Strangelove dark comedy, or straight drama. And in that indecision, it failed at both.

Yeah, Eternal Sunshine has Carrey in it, but in the same way, it's not a Carrey movie.

So, it was quite good. And regarding our discussion of black stormtroopers, yes, all things were made clear. I don't want to give anything away on the off chance somebody who hasn't seen it reads our exchange, but yes.

Huh. I hate to traffic in stereotypes, but that kinda makes sense. Funny how things change though; I saw the first farewell tour in Greenville SC and there was no protesting.(At least of which I was aware.)