
Well, I have to admit, while I come to this site every night, I don't participate in other pop culture discussions, so all this other race-related conflict is news to me.

Wow. That's some Outer Rim craziness there. I feel dirty for having read it.

Man, by avoiding the hype surrounding the movie, I apparently missed all the racist hate too.

Will you be deep in the cold cold ground?

"Why would it be a nerd rage thing? We'd never seen a stormtrooper unmasked before, so I don't see why it was some violation of canon etc."

Yeah…double gifts. In some bizarro universe!

We stayed through the end. I really wanted it to work, or get better.

Surely you jest.

Sorry to hear your birthday is so close to gift-mas. Have a nice one anyway.
(mine was last Wednesday)

"I'm looking forward to seeing what Rian "Ozymandias" Johnson does with the follow-up"

Ehh…it's I Believe in Father Christmas, not I Mourn Father Christmas.


"Nah, the black guy is a real stormtrooper. It's made clear in the movie."

Too dirge-y.

Here's the thing about this I don't get. The broader culture seemed to think the outrage about a black stormtrooper was a racist thing, when I think it was a nerd-rage thing. Of course the nerds 1) neglected to clarify their rage(or I suppose the broader media might have ignored any clarification because clicks), and

Is it? Several people have mentioned Deadeye Dick references a Vonnegut novel, so I think Cage the Elephant might be just a bit less bad.

Nah, if you like em, that's cool. I just never liked Carrey's schtick. He's ok in Spotless, but if it wasn't for all the praise surrounding that movie, I'd have never gone near it with him in the lead role.

"I think Jim Carrey's "ultimate shitty move" was becoming an anti-vaccination shill who doesn't make funny movies anymore."

Right. But Cage the Elephant isn't exactly scintillating. I'd put it right there with Deadeye Dick as equally stupid.

"they were blasting Breaking the Girl by the Red Hot Chili Peppers and all these dudes were shout-singing along like it's the greatest song they even heard"