
Ehh…I hear what you're saying, and again, I said the book contained interesting ideas.

Hmm…I do love a good literary conspiracy…

"folding in a couple of other romance story drafts she'd been working on…Still coming up rather short…"

Yes. What you said.

I said it had many interesting ideas.

Yes. What you said. I never had a reason to read it, but my wife had to read it for some grad school class, so the book was in the house. I had high expectations. They were unfulfilled.

I can't imagine singing the lyrics sober or with a straight face, but if you enjoy it…

"for which they reprised one of their greatest hits"

I'd just like to say the Mary Shelly's original novel is vastly over-rated. It reads like exactly what it is; the summer distraction of a teenager. Many interesting ideas, but not the paragon of literature it's held up to be.

"although Kokomo is at least good"

And where's the recorder?

I avoided it until her performance on SNL.(The song's fine. People are acting like it cures cancer or heartbreak though…)

And that's bad how?

So, that's a…that's a thing?

"I could count on two hands the number of times I've listened to either of those albums straight through."

Many people are unaware, but Glynn Johns? Nihilist.

From first to last…

Hey! This aggression will not stand!

What was he supposed to do, giggle? He's already had to watch Noah get eaten five inches away. I imagine watching somebody being eaten on top of you might be even MORE traumatic.

"So I point it which way?"