
You bet your ass it wasn't! The synopsis in the HBO guide didn't come close to preparing me for Quest's…obtuseness.(Again, I was like 12 or 13.)

I wonder how many copies the boys from The Eagles will purchase just so they can burn, or wipe their asses with them?

Ahh…The Last Dinosaur…many a boring Saturday afternoon in my tween years was filled with your…unique vision.

I get that her niche is slow-burning heartbreak songs.(Excluding Rolling in the Deep, which was somewhat uptempo.) But somebody needs to tell her or her writing partners/producers that the metronome goes past 82bpm!

"What I mean to say is that I don't think there's anything wrong with collecting stuff for it's own sake."

Anything can happen…

"Lee (supposedly) said "good - because we don't want you to be treated the way you treated us."

"I had the first six, bought in 3-packs."


"I think Rush could have cared less either way."

"He has sooooo much stuff. None of it is worth shit, except to him. "

I just mentioned down the line(up the line?) that I have some Star Wars merch that you would think would be rare and had appreciated in value, but disappointingly has not.

I can't imagine that mine is anywhere near mint.

"I just want to keep the new orchestral score over the Mormon Tabernacle Choir chanting "Yub friggin' Nub" like it was "Up With People."

"JP felt like a kids movie due to the role of the two children."

I kinda wish Rush had told Rolling Stone to eat a bag of dicks. All this late-in-career love aimed Rush's way just smacks of cynical, "Hey, circulation is down, but older people still buy magazines! And Rush fans are loyal! Let's exploit that!"

I still have those first eight or so comics!

I'm sure there was plenty of violence. 30s Production Code violence.

"Violence isn't adult, how we discuss violence is."

"But they also released tie-in merchandise to accompany the original film aimed specifically for children."