
I'd be satisfied if he was allowed to kick her right in the kidneys instead of trying for the football.


There was some merchandising…I have a plush Opus on my nightstand right now.

Technically he's refusing to open up to only Lucy, and can you blame him?

It's Franklin. A black hockey player. That's still somewhat rare 40+ years later!

When it's Snoopy, the strip is fun and fanciful. With Charlie, so often it just called into relief that every kid's life has shitty aspects, and I took no solace in knowing that.

I can't upvote this enough! Well done! Oh and…

Man, Mr. Hassenger really hates the Ice Age movies. He's slammed them in the review of the movie too.


Mr. Hassenger mentions the melancholy that runs through the strip. Sometimes it's a bit much. So often cartoons are presumed to be for kids even when they're not, and looking back, the adult themes that percolate below the surface are a bit heavy at times.

I agree, it's an odd choice of song. I guess the connection is, "Hey boomers! This song and this strip hit their peak at the same time! So…go?"

Always wondered why Chuck didn't throw those rocks back at the jerks who gave them to him…

"the ad campaign for this has been preposterously clamorous and painfully youth-oriented."

Well then you can't come in to the Taco Bell! Have fun running to a border much further away!!!

Oh I wouldn't say it was stupid. Fully formed, coherent, and very specific. For as many creative people as they interview for this piece, it stuns me that so few have a "yeah, I was sitting around thinking and…" answer.

They are all worthless liars, they are all imbeciles…

Bonus question - have you ever taken a date to a porno theater, and how did it go?

These were great! Best answer to the master plan question, and I liked most of his other responses too.

Sounds like you've saved me some time as far as reading the books those two films are based upon.

I picked North Korea because it was a fellow Communist country. So similar to Cuba, but not the same.