

Is this where we do the sunglasses/Daltry yell?

What is this, Jack Torrance Week? The Shining Week?

Enlighten me then. I got an earful of film school essay from somebody else, how do you interpret it?

I should give it a chance. I think it's on WGN every night…

Ah ha!

I didn't think you wanted me to forget the book. I was just explaining why I can't help but compare the two, and from a storytelling standpoint, I like the King version better.

"Then The Shining film will never be for you."

I've only heard glowing praise for Cloverfield, which may have contributed to my disappointment in it. Parts of it are effective, but parts of it are just…well I didn't enjoy them.

Others have echoed your thoughts to me, friends whose opinion I respect. If only the show was on in syndication somewhere…. ;-)

"If you do that by taking the skeleton of the song and reworking into something interesting and different, then in my mind, you have succeeded because you have proven the inherent quality of the source material."

You misspelled "dizzy". Ha!

What the what now?

"Blade Runner is brilliant precisely because of the deviations from the source material. What works well in one medium, does not in another."


I like all of your possibilities. I just can't get past Grady saying "You've always been the caretaker" and then there's this picture of Jack from 40 years earlier.

Interesting. I too grew up using a big-ass VHS camcorder, but I got good at holding it steady. Even while moving. I think the smaller 8mm units were even easier to keep steady since you could use your arm as a damper.

You'd have to be the king of idiots to state something like…

To each his own.

"It already exists. You're not bringing anything new to the table so why bother?"