
Grady says to Jack, "You've always been the caretaker.", so I take Jack appearing in the photo as some kind of clumsy attempt to make Jack seem supernatural.

"The movie cuts off there. The in the book, Clancy goes on to say "By 'comradeship', he meant women," which seemed patronizingly obvious"

"Why would you want to hear a note-for-note recreation of a solo?"

Dickies? The work-clothes people?

"Do you seriously watch book adaptations only to re-live the original book?"

To each his own.

Covers are tricky. A handful are improvements, much of the Undercover stuff is, "Huh, ok, interesting", and some are just totally unnecessary.(At least to me.)

"awkward energy"

Mike Babcock? What are you doing up so late?

I'm going to have to to sit this one out, as I have neither read nor watched them.

We could spend the rest of the night having a pleasant discussion about the merits of note-for-note(or beat-for-beat) vs. adaptations. Sometimes I like music covers that go in a different direction, but for the most part, if I'm seeing a cover band, I want to hear the song the way it is.

He could have gone with The Shinning. That was available at the time…

I caught all kinds of shit from people on this forum who took issue with my comments regarding how annoying her character was, so watch yourself.

"there's really no reason for Parks and Rec to use The Office style "interview with individual characters" technique"

The first 30 minutes or so of Godzilla(2014) are quite good I think. But after the giant mothy thing escapes, it becomes epically stupid.

"Unless you have some other reasons besides "It's just like the book!" I really don't get this."

Sure? Maybe not for this particular project, since the book does exist…

I'd just like to throw out there that if you're careful, you can handhold a video camera, even while walking or running and not make everything a nauseating blur.

I'm not saying Kubrick didn't make a visually stunning film. Like I said, beautiful. And there are powerful scenes too.

He'll always be a Blue to me…