
The Shining is beautiful. It is also the perfect embodiment of "The book was better" or "It's nothing like the book."

Is it? I'm fine with jerk Tandy, and manipulative Tandy, and self-involved Tandy, but it seems like the past few episodes have tried to paint Tandy as stupid, and I didn't get that impression from the first season.

"they can try sailing in a BIG boat to see if they locate other people."

My understanding is that the key, which is connected to the rider, cuts the ignition when the rider falls off. If the key was just left in the ignition with no falling person to remove it, I imagine the thing would run until it ran out of fuel.

As Lisa Loopner once said, "That's so funny I forgot to laugh."

Battery technology…I mean FUTURE battery technology, is an amazing thing. ;-)

"Also it's Phil."

"I don't understand why it came back"

I'm fighting the urge to go pedantic(I guess I'm failing) and point out that the likelihood that the jet-ski is still functional after several years is pretty remote too, but what the hell, sure, the gas isn't varnish and the battery surely holds charge.

There's lots of love for Tandy in these comments, but his jet-ski gambit is just too stupid for words. I know, without that stupidity, Todd and Tandy don't have their bonding moment. But come on. Bury the evidence. Actually TAKE IT out to sea. Something…

So…Common Core?

Ehh…plenty of people bad-mouth Dale, but he was willing to kill if he had to do so.(I think. I can't say for sure I remember Dale killing anybody, human or zombie now that I think about it.) He tried to maintain peace in the group sure(and Shane's end behavior proved him right), but I don't think he'd have let the

Nothing small about this Bone Tomahawk!

"I don't know how frequently they pop up in syndication now, but they were everywhere in the early 90s."

So it was a learning experience for everybody!

If my memory hasn't failed me, they dropped off the syndication circuit in Pittsburgh sometime in the 80s. But it could be that by the mid 80s my family got cable and who needs reruns when you can watch MTV for five hours after school.

His math checks out.

I did not know that. How was it?

I've called tall people Lurch(and it's ok, I'm tall), and for years the Pittsburgh Penguins hockey team had a coach that bore a remarkable resemblance to Grandpa Munster, so lots of memories from both.

Better than the Family Feud theme.