
"Eh, I am 22 and I have seen fair amounts of both of them on TVLand."

There was a reboot? Recently?

First, the Addams Family was way creepier. They seemed to genuinely enjoy being…eccentric.

And maybe a little transference of anger at her husband?

This would be way more "80s action movie response", but I wanted her to say, "Bitch! I was married to an abusive husband!"

Morgan is, frustratingly, Hershel 2.0. Except this version is buggier because Hershel at least had no clue how savage the world had become. Hershel 2.0(Morgan) knows better.

Keep me in the freezer to prevent me from getting all over your hands and clothes!

Yes. My bank account. Gigantic. That is what we're talking about when we're using the word gigantic.

But do they admire the inner Gorplee, or the outer Clooney?

Wait, the original George Clooney, or after I've assumed his life? Because that's a lot of pressure…

George Clooney's life. In a heartbeat.

I'll check it out, thanks!

All that Derek Riggs art was fantastic. I don't know if I would have bought a 12" single JUST based on the art, but flipping through the Maiden bin at the cool record store was always an enjoyable time.

I guess there were plenty of horror books I bought back in the 80s maybe not entirely based on cover art, but certainly the cool covers had a lot to do with inspiring a purchase.

No new crap!

And yet the last line of the chorus is "Work out!"


Now that track sounds like a demo. I do some recording myself, and there are times when you just want to get the idea down so you don't forget a part, or you're roughing things in and know that at some point you'll fix parts. It's nice, but it feels more rough and unfinished.

Pure speculation here - Dude picked Joad because he wasn't working in 2012 to write a 30th Anniversary of Nebraska piece.

That was nice, and if I hadn't known(and loved) the original, I might like it more than I do. Not that I dislike it, I just don't think the original can be improved upon.