
"I only meant that there's far fewer artists capable of producing a full album worth of good music then there are people who have a couple good songs in them and then flame out. I think history bears that out."


"there will probably come a time that albums become more dominant again."

You're not wrong about the futility, but tilt against those windmills I will!


I'm going to have to stop reading Mr. Raymer's stuff. I actively disagree with his assertions and at 2:12 in the a.m., I am now angry and that's not a good thing.

"he couldn't have imagined Roger singing the lyrics"

Yes! Kelly Keagy!

"Major breakup"

"It's weird to think now that they were only around for 15 years before their major break, and that they were only in their late 30s or early 40s when it happened."

This piece features my favorite music critic paradox - Keep churning out Who's Next, and critics will beat you up for repeating yourself. Go in a different direction from Who's Next, and you get beat up for not living up to your glorious past.

And Gil Moore from Triumph!

True. It just seems so odd in July. I mean, these features aren't time-sensitive. Save them for Xmas week.

I actually really like the Springsteen "Santa Claus" cover. It's not sappy at all. And I too enjoy the South Park songs, but I'm not holding my breath to hear them in public.

Yes! The summer burn-off! July, Friday night…say, when's Hannibal on again?

I try to avoid Xmas music during the season(emphasis on "try"), and I must be doing better than I thought, because I too didn't know this song existed.

So, are we on some kind of "Xmas in July" thing here? Two consecutive Xmas songs?

Don't forget the last real Ratt song over the closing credits!

"saying one is better than the other is very, very, verrry much a matter of personal preference."

Your friends must have different priorities than mine. ;-)