
We all have favorites, and that's cool. I think his film work is great, but I fully embrace his adoption of digital too.

Whoops! You're right.

It's funny you say that. I loved The Ghost Writer, but watched it not knowing who directed it. When Polanski's name appeared in the credits, I actually spoke an uncomfortable "ohhh" and then felt conflicted.

See, I like that. Listening to the commentary track for Collateral, I was so wholly brainwashed by his explanation for how this shot or that shot wouldn't have been possible without it…

I'll say this for Wes Anderson - In that same way you know you're watching a Michael Mann movie, whether you like it or not, you can spot a Wes Anderson from across the cineplex.

You need to punch your coworkers hard, in the face!

Jar-Jar Musch?

It exists to get as many looks as possible at the "Ex Machina" ad a few inches up and to the right.

But…the internet…it's what we do…

I'm not saying the movies themselves are pro-troops. But I don't think you could say, "Zero Dark Thirty didn't do anything new with the form, felt like a high budget documentary, and only picked up in the last 30 minutes" without some pundit calling you out as anti-troops or pro-terrorism.

I'm telling ya, 1000 comments by noon, EASY.

Damn look at the names you listed that didn't make it. Frankenheimer alone for making the only good motorsports movie for something like 40 years.(I like Ron Howard's Rush too.)

I didn't think I'd have much to say, and yet here I go…

Nice comment Mr. Butts!

The snark contained above is certainly coming through at the highest possible bit rate!

VH1 Classic ran the series, although I suppose regular VH1 might have too. The shows are 30 minutes; they did episodes featuring Geddy Lee, Darryl Hall, Billy Corgan, one or two others I'm forgetting, and Ann Wilson. The content is slightly better than the standard Behind the Music format, in that you get a touch more

I mentioned someplace else in this thread that VH1 Classic ran a series called Rock Legends this past spring. Ann Wilson(and some other members) were interviewed, and they delved into that whole pros situation.

"Fisher has no business bashing 80s Heart based on the tripe he put out with Alias."

"check out the book "Heart: In the Studio""

""secretary-rock" (love that term, hadn't heard it before)"