
I don't "know" Dave, but I've been watching him, somewhat religiously, since the mid 80s, and this feels like a family member is dying. I stole his material, appropriated his style, screwed around in Spanish class making Top 10 lists with my table-mate…this is….profound. For 30 some years, I knew that I could turn on

I didn't think Dave was blowing off Jay, just saying, "It's your show, and I don't need to take any attention from your last show."

You don't say! Don't keep me in suspense, were they any good? I'm hanging by a moment here!

This felt like a Peggy Hill episode. Peggy/Linda gets something crazy in her head and Hank/Bob plays along.

For a moment, I thought this was a The Who slam.

A solid B, which could have been B+ without the unnecessary Otto trip at the end, and could be revised up to a B+ if the Homer/Ned dynamic is changed.

Re: The F-4 - I guess everybody flies above Edwards eventually.

"I assume the F-104 was probably a reference to the Chuck Yeager's flight in the Right Stuff".

I wondered about them being there together only because the F-4 was initially a Navy plane and the F-104 an Air Force plane. I don't know if the branches have dedicated test areas or if they all test at the same location.

So then were you tickled or irked by the presence of F-4 Phantoms and F-104 Starfighters at that base? I suppose it's possible those two aircraft would have been in development at the same time, but seems unlikely.

You're just cranking these out lately!


I'm with you there. Or at least they could have held off introducing new characters for the first two or three episodes to allow more time with Phil's anarchic activities.

The underlying theme is this performance blows.

Mmmm meat cake…(drools)

I'm fairly adept at looking past SOME elements of reality for entertainment. Like The Walking Dead. Any remaining gasoline stocks should be varnish after several years. But ok, I'll ignore that.

Does my fanfic "Mad Max and the Oasis of Hot Chicks" count?

I had forgotten that Tucson was Phil's home town.

Hey! We butchered a classic song(and played it incorrectly), let's make our failure tangible by pressing it into vinyl!

You do touch on one element of the show that has bothered me since the first episode.