
Time to be that guy again.

Nice. And in some ways, better than the original.

That it was!

The last good Aerosmith song was "Let the Music Do the Talking". Everything else is pop fluff.

It always comes down to the dollars.(Rupees?) You listed a few in there I had forgotten about.

Mind. Blown.

I mentioned this in a comment further upstream, but my speculation was less directly tied to the Marigold films, and just the portrayal of Indians in general.

I hadn't thought of that, but it makes sense.

I haven't, but I don't want to get bogged down in Marigold specifics. I just get the general vibe from the portrayal of Indians over the past few years. Not a direct 1-1 comparison, but like a new version of the old trope.

Good to know!

Is it possible that Indians are now fulfilling the Magical Negro role? Feels like it.

I thought the only reason trig existed was to drive down my high school GPA.

Simpsons trivia is MUCH more useful than trig.

Damn it you're right!

See, I can't tell if we're doing the magic xylophone-ribcage bit or not.

We are going to disagree here. Clones? Just out of nowhere? 25 years and NOW Burns has clones?!? And they don't do anything for the story, they just exist.

A modest man from Mandrake/travelled rich to the city…
(Continues strumming)

The Color of Money when Eddie first meets Carmen.

He seems pleasant enough, and his Heroin Diaries book was very compelling.

You make a good point. While Dokken had a handful of songs that got decent rotation on MTV, they didn't have the same last impact as Home Sweet Home or Kickstart My Heart.