
@Kotaku - this is the type of article that is causing & fueling the divisiveness that is eroding our gaming community and society in general. Shame on you - you are no better than the regular biased “news” channels. Hate mongering, crap slinging and finger pointing. Keep your agenda to yourself.

This is so stupid tbh. I’m through with the snowflake stuff but damn, making this thing a big deal.. It’s saddening to me because all these people who represent “diversity” and “freedom” are going crazy over a stupid game mod and come on, everyone can change anything in the modding world and this tiny stupid detail

Why is everyone being maliciously ignorant about the real people to blame for this homophobia? Sure, fuck the modder for taking a big dump on Nexus but has anyone said what the mod actually did? It merely activated the built-in Middle Eastern localization settings for the game. Literally that’s it.

Sony’s employees

The supreme irony is that this modder is simply porting code that Insomnia Studios had made for the Middle Eastern localization which changed the flags.  The internet is lashing out at this one modder when the game’s own publisher is the one making this “erasure” for an entire region of the world.

I’m rarely disappointed in Kotaku, but on this one... I feel you’ve dropped the ball. Maybe you were going for a provocative article, but if that person was banned for changing a flag they might or might not feel uncomfortable with and which is deeply rooted in complex societal changes, by another flag, that’s usually

What I don’t understand is why people in middle eastern countries are allowed to play games with no sexual agenda, but in the US if we don’t wish to see this stuff then we are called bigots. Makes you think.

The commenters taunt and mock the snowflakes despite themselves being so sensitive that they immediately shit their pants upon seeing a rainbow in a Spider-Man game”

OR if you don’t like the mod...don’t download it. Not sure why we needed a whole article on this. It’s a single-player game. Literally hurts nobody.