
Imagine being so upset over the absence of a flag that’s NOT IN YOUR VERSION OF THE GAME. Christ almighty, one person made a mod that’s completely optional and everyone is acting like it’s being forced upon them, as if it’s inevitably going force the alphabet people to not see their precious piece of digital wind cloth

Huh, it’s almost as if the calls for “representation” by cookie-cutter lefties and alphabet people have been epitomized perfectly. What exactly is the problem? Did the “hip/cool/different” crowd suddenly become quantifiable and boxed in? Awww, the world’s smallest violin is playing for you.

Most garbage truck drivers and waste management employees are men. I don’t see you looking at plumbers, machinists, oil riggers or electricians? What gives? Oh right...it doesn’t suit your “omg sexism, no whamen!” narrative. It’s only the video game industry and this company in particular that has this “problem”,