
She seems to have a healthy detachment from reality as evidenced by basically her entire life.

They should replace his actual picture with this and also not use his name.

But it’s also sort of odd that a U.S. court would force the U.S.-born children of a U.S.-born mother to live with their German father who lives in France because he was unable to have his visa renewed. Right?

yeah like one time I drank 12 diet cokes and no water and fainted and had to go to the ER but i didn’t blame my job for that because i’m the idiot who drank 12 diet cokes

lol fuck off with this. there’s nothing wrong with having a nanny. there are shitty parents with nannies and shitty parents without nannies. this is malarkey.

So you’re saying... beauty is subjective? And that... people are unfaithful for reasons that have nothing to do with your or the other party’s level of attractiveness? Like perhaps cheating is a manifestation of their control issues and underlying self-loathing (or straight up sociopathy)? WELL I NEVER!

I’m not a trophy hunter, so maybe I’m just ignorant about such things, but I don’t even understand his desire to shoot a big-ass elephant. He couldn’t bring home any “trophy” from such a kill, could he? Elephant ivory is illegal as shit in the US, is it not? What was he going to bring home? A picture and the warm,

“The United States Supreme Court has spoken and has unequivocally said no state may deprive a woman of the choice to terminate her pregnancy at a point prior to viability.”

This is a tough one. I doubt when Kylie Jenner decided to wear a certain hair-do was she thinking “cultural appropriation”. More likely, she thought “I like this hairstyle.” She’s a 17 year old girl and acted as such - expressing herself and making childish comments. I agree with Amandla’s statements, but I don’t

What is this supposed to mean? If he was the nicest kid in middle school, that she used to play football with, why wouldn’t she be surprised to see him there?

... I think you all who are saying she seemed to be enjoying the situation, are projecting a wee bit. ... as in, interpreting something as you think you would intend/feel it, rather than what the person taking that action, is/would.

I don’t see what you are talking about. she seemed to me to have appropriate

She is a judge, and they were in court, so I understand her demeanor to a certain degree. It was just hard to watch him cry. I think this was most likely a humiliating experience for him to have her see him this way. He broke down and cried. It was awful.

Well, it unexpectedly rained on my face. They clearly have so much friend love for each other and really meant something to one another. This is as mushy as a judge can get while doing her job and I’m glad she told him that what she remembers most is how nice he is. Seems like it really touched him and could be a

She still has to remain professional in her position, and I think this is amazing and she is still conveying the person she remembers with dignity and hope to him. Makes me have hope for him that he will reflect with her remembering him “back when”, you know?

I mean, they aren’t tucked into a corner booth in a dimly lit diner confiding in each other. She’s at work.

Stop, please...I can only get so erect.

WHOA. Holly never signed a NDA? I know this is not my best moment, but......

I couldn’t help but wonder...was she even pregnant to begin with?

Turns out she was just out looking for some Malono Blahniks.