
They touch on this in Undisclosed where they deconstruct the interview tapes slightly and realize that the cops were prompting Jay’s answers.

I always thought Jay was the wrench in the plan too. I could never forget how Jay “found the car.” But Undisclosed kinda shut that down for me.

Will Shortz is obviously a pretentious cunt.

Let’s just think about the fact that the answer easily could have been “‘It’s raining ____!’”

We should also be talking about the $16.99 MacBook Pro (/Retina) Speck cases on Groupon today. What a steal!

We should also be talking about the $16.99 MacBook Pro (/Retina) Speck cases on Groupon today. What a steal!

This is what you look like when you subsist only on coffee, cigarettes, and “couture.”

My name is Jessica Arnold. Now I know how all the John Smith’s of the world must feel. That was bizarre.

I’m sorry. All I see is an ass. Even when you’re like “oh yah the legs are here, the feet are here,” I still see an ass. I mean, there’s a head for Christ’s sake.

also here

Thank you. I’m only here to check for SATC references.

Call me spoiled but this video is of such low quality I can’t even see Iggy’s face.

So when we first started talking about this video on Jez, I was on the But-This-Is-The-Worst-Song-On-The-Album bus! But.......not only was it a complete remix (that I loved) but yeah. The video was kickass.

I was waiting for you guys to catch wind of the duet. It’s so so good. It’s the epitome of something you didn’t know you NEEDED until you got it.

Last night’s episode had me dying

This is one my lease favorite songs on the album. It’s just so bad compared to everything else.

Mariah actually seems human in this video. I like it.

omg. this song is an absolute abortion. and that gap between her teeth is downright insufferable. kids today are fucking dumb.

Dear God why

Probably my favorite of the evening.

Servin maintains—and the judge ruled—that he was justified: that Boyd’s boyfriend Antonio Cross raised a cell phone that seemed, at the time, to be a gun.


I say "cunt" all the time and like 75% of the time it's directed towards a man.

As for the word having nothing to do with what he said...I have to disagree. That was some pretty cunt-y shit and her husband was just as cunt-y about it.