When you put a classified ad in a magazine or on Craigslist you open yourself up to both helpful people and…
When you put a classified ad in a magazine or on Craigslist you open yourself up to both helpful people and…
"After further review, it has been determined that the ball carrier was not facing Mecca at the time of his celebration; therefore the penalty stands."
I like to imagine somewhere a bored child prodigy is just laughing at us.
Impressively, you just admitted to neither reading the article you commented on, nor the comment you replied to.
You seem like a loving person and I'm sorry you get choked up over television networks. I'm sure OWN has a special place in your enormous, network-loving heart.
So, I count 4 sentences. Let me guess: you only read 3?
This is absolutely disgusting. I've gone a long time pretending this shit didn't exist, and that was perfectly fine until it started getting thrown in my fucking face. This has gone too far. Now I'm going to have to explain to my children that OWN is an actual TV network.
"Fostering goodwill"; translated, this means, "give me something for free, because I spent $50 once on a game you made, so now you have to continue to provide free servers for the rest of time, and support the game forever, despite the fact that only a small handful of people still play it." This is a -terrible-…
Honestly, I think people getting upset about games no one is actually playing anymore losing the online capability is a bit much. Don't get me wrong, there is a ton of shit wrong with EA, Activision, and others. However, I really think we are getting a bit bent out of shape over nothing and gamers can be a bit…
"Especially when you start a post with "I'm very tech savvy"..." you just killed me, lmfao xD
Yeah, but there's one of these guys commenting in every single article on the internet that honestly believes that his template is better than anything crypto experts can come up with, yet is simple enough to let him recall passwords to dozens/hundreds of sites.
To be honest, there aren't many sites where a breach would really bug me. Facebook is the only one that comes to mind. Everything else like banking and email is under 2 or more step authentication.
Common folks, I feel sorry for the poor guy. He came here thinking he had the greatest system ever and wanted to share that with you all. Granted he's misguided, be a tad gentler with him, I swear i actually left his heart just wither.
Ironically, Gawker.com is "Definitely" vulnerable.
I'm very tech savvy, yet things like LastPass scare me. I know it's entirely safe generally, but I like to know that all my passwords are in my head.
Assessing penalties became troublesome for the officials once the distinction between "first responder" and "third man in" got blurred.
Can someone point to the part where this guy deserved to be bumrushed by half a dozen cops in riot gear?
"Billie Jean is not my lover / she's just a girl who claims that I am the one," Michael Jackson once warbled; this is a very believable claim given Jackson's predilections before his untimely death.
"And I / Will Always Love You," Whitney Houston once belted; unfortunately Whitney was unable to fulfill her promise after she died in her bathtub thanks to an accidental overdose.