
I have inadvertently created a tv-show-watching monster. I was/am a huge fan of “Downton Abbey” but my husband had no interest. Today PBS had a marathon and he happened to flip to it and got sucked in. It was something in Season 3. This is all to the good of course, but I am now the official court biographer to the

I ended a 20-yr marriage exactly two years ago. Lots of people were shocked, though not those closest to me, who knew we had been miserable for several years. He made the first (written) move, but I moved out, eagerly, within four days. I was too “chicken” to say it first but relieved as f**k. I have been in my

I’ve never participated in SNS before, but I’ve been reading for a little my time. I’m 28 and going through a the early stages of a divorce, made complicated by reactions of friends and family and by an old friend who has feelings for me attempting to be serious way too fast. Anybody who has been through divorce and

Is anyone else still playing Pokémon Go? My 19 year old son, who lives with his dad, is still playing, so I have been playing with him and we have a competition of sorts going on. This evening, they started the big holiday event and I am currently sitting in a bar, alone, because there are 2 pokestops right here and I

Would it be any different if this happened a week from now, in 2017? I can’t wait until the whole “Fuck 2016" thing is over. Bad things never stop happening; 2016 isn’t unique in this sense.

Why is he still talking about Hillary? Why is nobody calling out the fact that he’s still scapegoating the woman to keep his ravenous base from eating each other (they’re finding out that they’ll no longer get SS, medicaid/medicare, a minimum wage, and PP care)?

I see your God and raise mine.

I don’t remember it being this controversial when God was a white woman. And Canadian.

RE: her interview question. Isn’t it illegal to ask about family/children?

But the conversations you can have with it are so realistic it’s worth it.

Cayla is at least a better product name than what it was originally called, NSA Secret Eastern European Prison Informant Barbie

She’s probably dating Elf on the Shelf. Those two deserve each other.

I mean, is this not the logical next step for parents who have already inculcated their child into the panopticon via Elf on the Shelf?

I’ve been saying happy holidays forever, because it covers the entire spectrum of holidays, including New Years. People need to get the fuck over themselves.

Given the fact that Powell is both a conservative AND set the precedent for private email use, the irony is fucking REAL, man.

Welp. Here we go. Time to find out if our democracy is really as resistant to demagoguery as we all believed.

I’m a journalist and the other day I was speaking with my mother - who was a journo for 20 years - about NYT getting Trump to speak on the record at a meeting and all the praise they got for it.

As someone who gave birth 6 months ago the image doesn’t make me angry but it certainly helps to reinforce the bad feelings I have about my body post birth. Deep down I know it’s unrealistic to think my body would “snap back” but seeing celebrities on the cover of magazines bragging about how they got their body back

100% this! I will NEVER look like my pre-baby self. I hate how I look now and nothing short of personal trainers, chefs and plastic surgery is going to change that. And that’s just on the physical side of things. I am way more emotionally fragile now, and minor things can make me suddenly nauseous.

The changes can be pretty shocking and upsetting. You’re not really allowed to freak out too much, because you’re supposed to be grateful for your beautiful baby and in awe of what your body can do, or people might call you shallow and image-obsessed. So you have to practice self-control and not let it on that you