
Right? Huma is the one person who did nothing wrong. Those two MEN did all the fucking up, so she is absolutely blameless.

Maybe the “Clinton advisor” should direct his anger at Anthony Weiner & James Comey?

Look, before we talk about the factors that might lead to white criminality, I think we need to talk about white-on-white crime. Why are white people not condemning their own when they are also victims? Where is the outrage about that, hmmm?

It’s because their white fathers are never around.

hooooooolyyyyyyy shit.

Ha, ha, right, I loved how the guy basically said, “I ordered them all out of the room and told them they had better not cry!” I mean, really? I would have punched the bitch if that were my kid.

Yep it’s exactly the kind of shit my more random FB mom friends tend to post or like. They don’t read any news, but they have all the time for this shit.

Looks like another victim of a ...

Counterpoint: 140 characters or GTFO. If you can’t pare it down for the platform it doesn’t mean that you have necessary ideas which require excess space; it means you’re bad at Twitter (which is a dumb platform, itself). Paste a thesis and shortened link (to your blog or goatse, whatever the mood calls for) like a

I’ve never heard that expression before but it’s perfect! Those should be the official four presents for Christmas.

It was the biggest Electoral College victory in the history of 2016 elections! You just have to limit your focus until it’s true.

That’s a great rule, I am going to try to remember it. This is the my daughters last year as an only child, so we went a little nuts-o. Baby due 12/20. Next year is going to be waaaaaaaaaaay different.

We’ve followed the same scheme every year for our soon-to-be 8 yo. It’s been sustainable thus far. She also “knows” that Santa will only bring her one present (because the sleigh only has room for one present per kid).

The fact that you refer to it as “Xmas” is proof that you’re a tree-hugging, America-hating, pinko, Commie Clintonite. And will thus raise a horrible child.

Plus it’s really fun!

that’s the rule we’ve followed since our kid was born and i think it works well.

We did that last year with our 1 month old and will do it again this year. Last year we got the baby a Christmas outfit, some velcro swaddlers, a book that I wanted to read to him, and the Lego Movie. It was on sale. I only bought it because I felt pressured to get him something. Tissues for an 8 month old sounds

Kleenex boxes are *the* best idea. Seriously it’s stupid how easily entertained little littles are omg.

Yeah, my kids were hilarious around Christmas and birthdays because they had no idea what to ask for except things they already had or saw their friends had. They were such nerds: they asked for paints and drawing paper. Don’t get me wrong—they were spoiled because they had many, many relatives, but they never asked

I read about the “Want, Need, Wear, Read” thing a couple years ago, and I LOVE it! It’s the perfect mix of practical and fun.