
They’re already being convicted of manslaughter. The issue is that they’re using this defense to get out of murder convictions.

“Hello Senoritas” 

My husband and I purchased our first house together, it needed a lot of renovation work. But we got it for a pretty reasonable price because of this. It was a small house but I was totally in love with it and the backyard, it was a huge long kind of narrow backyard and definitely overgrown. We shared one fence with a

My husband worked for the FBI, dealing with missing persons cases. Three times in the five years, he had seen what he says looks like almost the same cat (a completely white cat, except for the black on it’s face) near locations where they’ve found the missing person. All in very different areas of the country though


Made this account purely to participate because I have a recent weird experience. This story is from about two months ago. I have no clear explanation for what the hell happened and it took me three attempts to work myself up to remembering it in enough detail to write it down. Here goes.

When I was 15, I got a job at Wendy’s. The usual, kind of shitty but mundane fast food job, where you work your way up from cleaning restrooms to tables to restocking the salad bar and the Frosty machine, until finally you get to either flip burgers or take orders. I wasn’t technically old enough to flip burgers (you

This is a tale from the 90's, that long ago time when land lines ruled king of communications. It was during this hypercolor era that I was left alone one evening on my family’s 120 acre plot of land in the Great Piney woods of East Texas. The house that we lived in was a bit ramshackle with the original shack my

Early Fall 1974

That support group sounds like a great idea!

That happened to my 9 year old! We were at a children’s museum and she was wearing a crop top. Some lady took her photo without my permission or knowing and posted it on a fb mom blog mom shaming me and and slut shaming my kid. She is 9! She wasn’t trying to be sexual! She wore it because she likes crop tops and she

Any Jeopardy nerds here?

My escape plan is less complicated because my neighbors have already seen me naked. Probably more times than they would have liked.

figure out who you are, then do it on purpose.

I absolutely know what you mean, and this is why I can’t understand people (usually white cis straight men) treating politics as just like, a game or a fun debate or whatever, or equally as a taboo topic. Someone’s “political” views can affect your care and safety! I would feel nervous bringing it up too.

Ugh, that’s awkward. Unless she says it more clearly, you don’t really know. I think you need to either talk to her directly about it, which would be super awkward but worth it (bring an advocate with you, like Canuckcoconut says, your partner or a close friend or your mother or someone), or else if you’re sure enough

Don’t be shy about it. If, for you and your family, terminating a pregnancy where there’s going to be a difficult life ahead for a future baby is the right decision you need to tell your doctor that.

Ask for the test anyway, because you need to know even if this doctor says she “can’t do anything about it”. Maybe at your next appointment, you could bring your partner and get him to ask what was meant by that statement. Maybe this OB is anti-choice, or maybe she is legally bound to follow some anti-choice policy?

We do not deserve Chrissy.