

Maybe they’re just easter eggs.

The acronym so nice, it deports you twice.

This is pretty clearly fraud/waste/abuse to get to go to the Super Bowl on ICE’s part, right? Like, if they weren’t all racists they’d be staking out Hamilton for undocumented immigrants?

I sincerely hope 20-something years from now this little girl, now a full grown woman, has an eureka moment and say to this guy “You were a police officer, a figure of authority with the task of serve and protect. You had my mom right in front of you, in desperate need of help. And your answer to that human being,

So instead of just punishing the Indians for the use of the racist logo, you’re going to punish everyone by making them go to Cleveland for the all star game??

I have no idea who Janelle Monáe is

Fuck him. Dinner is at five.

Trixie Mattel gifs?

Where did you see me say that we should go hating on all cops? Don’t come at me with that Trump comprehension, seeing what you want to see and spinning it. Don’t.

The bar to become a police office needs to be set wwwwaaaaaaay higher.

She went to them with a business proposition, which they weren’t interested in. Rather than decline it by responding to her email, they embarrassed her on Facebook. I could say they should have taken the high road, but there is no high road in this situation. There’s acting like a normal person and there’s acting like

My father and I are both veterans, and life-long target shooters. We’ve watched with dismay as the NRA mutated from a hunter’s safety organization into catering to the anti-government “tactical” loons.

Just tell him not to eat a Tide pod and he probably will.

What the fuck people.

“Many powerful Hollywood men have been called to account recently for their behavior. What are your thoughts?”


If they cast a white woman to play this I’m gonna be pissed.