
Oh wow! That’s impressive. And I totally get you, reading some people’s ideas, especially the ones I don’t agree with, I think helps to sort of figure out how I feel, or at least forces me to cement my opinion to myself. Especially when someone is soooooooo intensely passionate about something and I get that knee jerk

YAYYYY to birth boards that you can’t stop going on even though you know you really *should* stop!! I do the same thing, even though everyone tells me to quit... I just don’t want to. Which one are you on? I’m at babycenter April births

Right?? I really am not sure about all the particulars, but I imagine if it’s an agency that placed young, just-arrived-in-America, barely-know-English Peruvian immigrants it probably wasn’t the most up and up service. The good news is she did find her way after that to an amazing family that she was so close with

My stepmother told me a story from when she first came to this country from Peru and was nannying for a family when one night the father came into her room without any clothes on. When she freaked the f out he then said “oh, I thought this was my wife’s room”. She was fired soon after that.

I really thought my brain was playing tricks with me when i first saw it. then i figured, well, maybe that kid found that necklace somewhere, no way they still manufacture them! but oh i was wrong.

those tattoo chokers are already back! i’ve been seeing them around nyc

And if she becomes haunted, now we all know the first thing she needs to salt and burn. #DeanGirl

I’m just guessing that it’s a case of matching the head that supposedly got dug up to the body that’s in a grave... Presuming of course that grave’s body is even missing the head. Seems the first step would be to check and see if it's missing a head to begin with and then it's a matter of reuniting the two. If it's

I’m guessing by testing the bones at the gravesite and see if it’s a match to the skull?

As a currently pregnant woman that is highly suggestable when it comes to food these days... now all I want are cheese cubes and Triscuits. Like... a lot. Siiiiigh.

THIS. In my 16th week and I’m still throwing up at least once a week. “It’ll pass” they said. My. Ass.

All of this is terrifying but that chair on the dresser?? Like someone was WATCHING YOU?? Nope. Nope nope nope nope. Nope.

AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously this is 10000000% more scary than ghosts. AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Not scary, but here’s something that happened this year...

Yes! Love that movie!

Thanks!! I'm going to look into it!

I’m pregnant now and I can’t tell you how many of those dumb “maybe it’s twins!” comments we’ve gotten already. It’s like people don’t understand what the point of ultrasounds are, we’re not having a surprise! multiples! moment. Not to mention the comments people have already made to me. I just started showing last

That sounds like what I want! Something super idiot proof that I wont take off my genitals by accident, lol. What brand is yours?

I’m SO GLAD I’m not the only one to have that issue with scissors. Everyone I’ve told IRL looks at me in horror or like a moron.

Oh man, I hear you. I was worried, too, and had fallen into this pattern for being the rebound for all of these guys that were just working through their feelings for other people with me. I’d thought this one guy I knew from where I train circus might have sparked something but that went nowhere, until a year later