
Okay TMI question time but...
Do any of you use an electric shaver when you trim... down there? I’ve always used scissors and a couple of times a safety razor when I went all the way, but I’ve been curious. Good idea, bad idea? Full disclosure, I hesitate because I’m still traumatized by this one time I trimmed with

As I never watched this show, I just subbed in Jean Ralphio and Tom Haverford in my mind. It actually worked out pretty well.

He was the Mr Rogers of home refurbishment

I know... I know... here, wipe your tears. take a nice warm shower, you’ll feel better for it

YES!!! This!!! Meloni in Oz was amazing. So many in that cast were amazing. Though I’ve never gotten used to Vern Schillinger going mainstream. When he was in Juno I was like no! run away! he’s gonna kill you all!!

Munch left?????? What!!! No!!! Munch and Finn were magic!

HA! Well, I do respect your honesty ;-) I always wished he and Kathy would get on the same wavelength, there’s not enough healthy, functioning, and communicative marriages on tv, which is why I loved White Collar so much. The husband could be obsessive and love his job and the wife isn’t in curlers wailing that he

Yeah, I didn’t think the show would work without Elliot and Olivia as a partnership, but so far without him Olivia is still killing it. And I am So Glad they were able to go all those seasons without hooking up. Thats my #1 pet peeve in tv shows, two main characters getting together just cuz.

OOOOOOOF I hear you. For years I refused to watch after my boyfriend Elliot Stabler left, but two hours ago I gave up and started watching season 13. 13!!!! How is this show still going??

Oh thank god. All is right in the universe.

Too much drama. Bob Vila’s This Old House was way more soothing. I could watch that man varnish a porch for hours... and have.

Depends. It would have to be sincere or I’d think it was a pity “you look cute” because I *don’t* and then I’d have to leave without buying anything and eat ice cream.

I would emotional-buy the HELL out of a Period Day sale, especially if I was feeling super bloated and just wanted to look *cute* goddamit!

Not gauche!! Bask in the memories while they are all still fully formed!! Congrats!!!

Noooooooooooooo! Aw man, well, that just means you need to come up with something even *more* epic and post photos after this year

HA!!! That did not go the way I was imagining by the final sentence and it’s all the more amazing for it! Any chance of seeing a photo??

Aw, that sucks even more, that your friend couldn’t have her costume wedding. Maybe she’ll appreciate your secret halloween costume, then, lol

hahahha thanks! It’s my all time favorite movie so it was a true labor of love ;-)

That’ll be spec-TAcular

I think you have the beginnings of a kick-ass costume! One of my best costumes as an adult (and wore two years in a row) I made out of construction paper and a unitard I already owned and went as Jimmy Mackleroy from Blades of Glory.