
Nooooooooooo!!!! Aw man, that sucks!! And its not even a costume wedding?? wth? When I was on offbeat bride there were toooons of people planning these awesome costume weddings for Halloween, seems like such a waste to have a Halloween wedding and make it all normal. Ugh. Well, maybe you can have a clandestine

love it!!! make sure you dance the Elaine and tell someone “maybe the dingo ate your baby” at least once for me ;-)


Well I’m glad you were finally introduced to the magic that is Halloween! Costumes are the best, hands down. Maleficent is awesome, are you gonna have any props do you think?

I’m in the greys, so we’ll see if this gets seen, but IT’S OCTOBER YOU GUYS!!! All the parts of my costume have finally arrived and I’m super excited to be Barbara from Beetlejuice while the hubs is gonna be Adam. First attempt at a couple’s costume, and I’m silly with excitement.
What are you gonna be for Halloween???

Oof. Yeah, I’ll tell you the worst was when we announced the pregnancy and evvvveryone wanted to give me really well-meaning, deep, emotional hugs. They all meant well so I suffered in silence but man was that a rough week, boob-wise

Hey, I’m 14 weeks too! I’d give you a hug but good lord my boobs are too sore for any human contact ;-)
The fatigue is real. I feel like it’s also made me really really dumb. Like, I have trouble reading books anymore or even long, in depth articles (which is why I’ve been Jezebel lurking this first trimester). My OB

I totally feel you on that. If you want a total stranger on the internet’s opinion, just let her go and go through your grieving without her lingering on your periphery. Down the road maybe you’ll be ready to be friends without constantly hoping for something more, but for now, bake brownies, watch some comforting

Yay pregnancy! A stranger gave me his onion rings because I told him they looked good and I was pregnant #shameless

I have no solutions for the anxiety and sleeplessness, I’ve been dealing with the opposite problem of excessive fatigue. Like, I fall asleep for 3-4 hours every day and pretend that’s a “nap”. How far

I’ve always been the cut-them-out-delete-their-phone-number type, just because I find it can be really easy to wallow, especially when you live in that perpetual state of hanging out and questioning “did what they say just mean something, did that action mean something?” A person can go crazy thinking that way. My


Absolutely 100% she is scheming to steal the groom

OMG mother of the bride dresses!!! This was so much fun to make fun of during wedding planning because all the ones we found were so intense and clearly in the midst of a telenovela. Much fun was had when we made up plotlines for these clearly scheming and smoldering women.

Anyone following Humans of New York today? He’s doing stories of refugees and today’s is about a Syrian refugee. It’s in 6 parts, as of now only up to part 2 and already my heart is breaking for this man and his family. And then to come here and read this batshit crazy conspiracy bullshit... ugh.

lol that’s what I thought and then the nausea kicked in and I haven’t have a cup of coffee in months. And most OBs, if they are staying current with research, aren’t too fussed about coffee as long as you’re not considered a high risk pregnancy. I appreciated my OB’s stance on alcohol- not in the first trimester, in

Man oh man do I feel you about the nausea medicine! I used to drink coffee every day but since my nausea kicked in I quit just because my stomach couldn’t handle it. Now that I’m on the medicine I’m tired all the time but I’m still juuuust nauseous enough to not want coffee. :-(

THIS. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve had to have the “cat” discussion with my inlaws. They wanted us to get rid of the cats before the pregnancy (they have superstitions about cats being evil) and now they think they have science to back them up. Siiiiigh.

Which, if her ob okays it, is fine. My ob okayed me to drink two cups of coffee a day.


duude. thats my awake nightmare, lol. i’m one of those nervous types who is always pressing an imaginary break from the passenger side. i have no idea when i turned into my grandma, but one day it just kinda *happened*