
Nooooooooo Dalai Lama nooooooo! But I’ve been so charmed by you and I like you so much, don’t disappoint me now!

I feel like school anxiety dreams are forever, lol

Oooooof. Good luck. I remember when my stepdad volunteered to teach this friend of mine to drive because she scared her parents so bad with her driving. Maybe you can bribe another adult?

HA! Not really, like everyone was like “why didn’t you hit the brake??” and I was like “because I’m 12!” but since they are my Kentucky relatives and I’m a city girl everyone else had driven tractors and stuff since like birth so they weren’t impressed

Sooooooo many iterations. Sometimes they come out one at a time, sometimes they splinter out, sometimes they crumble.... Like, to the point I’ve asked my dentist and he was like “its not that easy to lose a tooth. i’ve seen people that have everything rotted away and its only hanging on by one little root but it

HA!! Quite possibly! I had no idea how common these dreams are, this is wild!

I’ve been told its anxiety and even more strange, anxiety about money... never heard the pregnancy one, though, thats really specific!

Ah! No! That is terrifying! Oh man, thats awesome he thought to do that. I was in a car parked on a hill and my 3 year old cousin undid the emergency break when I was young and honestly I just threw him out of the car and jumped out, the adults had to chase after the car I noped outta there so fast

Oooh yeah!!!! I’d forgotten the backseat version! I’ve gotten that too!

ugh, hate that out-of-control feeling

oooooh yeah. i honestly didnt get my drivers license until I was 19 because of that stupid dream. that and the other big nightmare i still get is teeth falling out, do you get that one too?

This is literally my re-occurring nightmare as a child... trapped in a car thats moving and i dont know how to drive. That poor kid!

I’m sorry you are over identifying with this story and my comment. I’m going to assume you didn’t wind up with a twin tower cake with your face on it so I’m gonna say your situation is a win.

Oh lol “rsvp”. We got married in Feb and may never know how many people were actually there that day.

(though clearly not thorough seeing as I totally forgot you used that word, too)

I am nothing if not careful and elaborate. Everyone says so.

Yeah... no. Most people are *lucky* to have a good enough friend to come over and help them with their tedious wedding projects. *No one* has a friend kind enough to take over an entire wedding, make all their place settings *and* favors *and* commission a cake... All without you having any knowledge of what they

So.... homeschooling it is, then.

They do have free return shipping, if you return before 30 days. After that you pay the shipping and get store credit
ETA: Oh, Just read the other comments. Guess their policy changed last year. That sucks.