
Yeah I tried their home stuff, but it wasn’t really all that helpful, not like their wedding stuff unfortunately. It’s a shame, because its true those mom boards sure do breed passionate craziness, lol.

I wrote this out for a previous Saturday but it was all the way at the bottom so I thought I’d try again:

Found out a couple of weeks ago that I’m pregnant which was a surprise, but ultimately we decided it was a good kind of surprise. Trouble is, since I found out I’ve gotten addicted to checking out the community

I just watched this British tv show called “The Delivery Man” that was super funny. Sooooo not a movie and not horror, but.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Found out a couple of weeks ago that I’m pregnant which was a surprise, but ultimately we decided it was a good kind of surprise. Trouble is, since I found out I’ve gotten addicted to checking out the community boards on baby sites and the people on there are... kinda baby culty. Like obsessive about ovulating and

I used to work at a bikini bar in a really shitty dive bar in Washington Heights. I remember I used to have a regular customer, this orthodox jewish man, that would sit at the bar. At first he would act surprised when the evening shift rolled around and we would start to dance on the bar for ten minutes every half

I’m a popular guy. I get prank called a lot.

I was once in a church musical for kids called “Down by the Creek Bank” which took place... by a creek bank. Someone thought it would be cute to make a fake creek (some long container lined with black garbage bags and filled with water) that ran around the audience and put real tadpoles and goldfish in it. By the end

Ugh. Full time group ex teacher here and I’ve been dreading this show coming out. I love teaching spin, I think it can be super approachable for people who aren’t used to group ex (its “no impact” which is good for knee problems, you can adjust your own resistance and customize your workout, it’s a dark room so you

hey look! nyc fireworks!

I did re-read it in his voice and now he’s narrating the WHOLE article!! Help! Make it stop!

Probably doesn’t count, but it made *me* laugh....
A drunk man sitting on the sidewalk yelled something at me that I ignored. He took umbrage and yelled “whatever! your legs are too short!”

Bad news!

Magees!!!! LOVE their transparent tarts!

Ha! Ok! I know, I kept meaning to just because I love it so and I’m always worried they’ll take it down but I’m always running by it when I’m late, lol. I’ll try to leave early next time ;-)

I have to commute through the Times Square subway station like three times a week (hell. its HELL) and there is a poster for Amy’s show up. On her forehead one day someone wrote Fat Hoe and it made me so mad to see I wanted to cross it out, but I kept going. Like a week later someone HAD crossed it out and across her

Oh most def ;o) we met at our circus training facility and were duo trapeze partners before we started dating

1-2: HA!!! I just may have to

I apologize now: I shared photos of my wedding last post, but in my defense I only got married in Feb and we paid a lot for photos, sooo.....
My fav is a two parter: