
Aw, thank you!! we clean up pretty well ;-)

thank you! yes, that’s us, making ugly crying faces, lol, but no regrets!

yup. everyone cried at our wedding, even the dates of people that didn’t know us personally. no one was safe. mwahahahaha

and yet most women outside of the home feel social pressure to breastfeed their kids in a *public* bathroom and that’s somehow more sanitary than this woman’s private bathroom? huh.

Misty Copeland’s is a complete travesty. In three paragraphs, the only one that doesn’t mention the author is the last one... which is two sentences long. Misty has always been given the short end of the stick- she’s been a soloist since *2007* with all these dancers promoted left and right around her- and here it is

It's *not* obvious!!! I absolutely believe you are a troll.

But why male models?

Getting married in three months. This is how I broke my diet: I wrote down an elaborate month-by-month "slowly easing into it" diet that was "absolutely going to be healthy and smart and in no way eating disorder-y". And then I remembered that just because I'm getting married doesn't mean I need to go back down that

HA! Omg this book! I remember I bought it from my school's book fair, too, and I took it to my cousin's birthday party. When the other girls started to exclude me I was like no big deal, I'll just whip out my book. When my aunt sees it she starts screaming in Spanish, to which my father starts screaming back at

Maybe she's holding herself hostage and these clues are all she can get out about her whereabouts? I hope she doesn't realize she's found a way to communicate... who knows what she's capable of...

Yes it does. I've known a couple and one: it's hard enough to make money dancing professionally (and seriously no stripping jokes, it's what always comes to mind when you mention actually getting paid and dancing) and two: the women who do this genre of dance aren't ballet dancers looking to become the next ABT

Also, for what it's worth, this is one of the questions on the official Drag Race quiz:

I was a bikini bartender at a super shady place in washington heights. Aw man the things I could tell you. The owner was a predatory douche and the job frankly exhausting. We worked from 8pm to 3/4am in lingerie and heels. Every 30 min we had to get on the bar and dance for 10 min in between serving drinks which,

Now playing

Technically it's Sunday and I know I'll be in the greys but I just found something amazing that everyone needs to see. I'm a fitness instructor and as I'm preparing for my Sunday class I came across this:

Aw man I hear that! The little girl i babysit (recently turned five) is awesome: smart, sweet, adorable. But. She cannot wait for her cats to die. Somehow she got this idea that they are the only thing standing in the way of her owning a puppy but she is desperate for them to die. One day when her parents were

OMG THIS GUY!!!!! I was with my mother and the 5yo i babysit and he singled me out to sing to me. At first it was cute, singing "My Girl" and it was "girl in the pink dress" then it turned to "white girl in the pink dress" then he started making racial comments. THEN he said if someone knew the name of the group

But think about where the word is derived from. *Why* use "fish"? Its clearly a reference to a vagina (because they smell like fish ha ha, get it?) hence why its meaning is to look fem. Unless there's some other reason to use the word fish to mean feminine (and I'm asking genuinely) I haven't heard it.

I agree, the use of fish/fishy really grates on me. It makes me think of every misogynist comedian I've ever heard talking about vaginas smelling "bad" or "weird"

I'm not really surprised. At my middle school a child slit the throat of his friend and then calmly went to home room, telling the teacher the bood on his shirt was from a nose bleed. Apparently he had been planning it for some time and had intended to kill his sister but chose instead to go for the friend. He had

I announced to my Zumba class before we started one day that I was super excited because after class I was getting a haircut (I have short hair as it is, but my bangs had gotten ridiculously long). One of the guys in class said "Don't do that! Guys don't like short hair!" All the girls and I just stared at him. It