
Yeah... I'm an exercise instructor and my spin class is pretty evenly split with guys and girls. Now my zumba class, on the other hand, has waaay more girls but there are some guys that get into it and stick it out despite being in the minority... and even then there are about an equal number of gay guys to straight

My favorite summer go-to drink is malibu and pineapple juice.


I doubt he has plans to sell t-shirts, it seems like a general musing, though I do appreciate where you are coming from to not let a thing like this slide. Going back it looks like a handful, not many but a few, people have commented in lighthearted "those are fighting words" and "you are looking for trouble" so I

Absolutely it is, and as much as I want to shake him and say "thats not okay!" I reeeeeally hate fighting over facebook comments. Just feels like nothing productive ever comes out of those, ya know?

right?? not that hard to make it a general comment about children without alienating over half the population. Plus, he's a spin teacher. I can almost guarantee the majority of his clients are women that just miiiiiiight have an issue with that shirt if he got it


"You shouldn't feel weak because you cry and if someone tries to make you feel weak for crying, tell them to fuck off. :)"

It's so good to hear from another involuntary crier! I was always told I would grow out of it but that has yet to happen. And I've been there in those situations where I point to the tears coming down and say "ignore this, I'm fine, keep talking" or "don't worry, this isn't about you" when I'm stressed or frustrated

"Oh and that guy is an ass." HA!


So I recently went through the orientation to get spinning certified and was encouraged by the instructor to friend this guy on fb because he's a good resource as far as music/riding profiles is concerned. Today he posted this and when I first saw it I was upset but didnt say anything, just because I don't know him

I am SO GLAD I am not the only one. I coveted my frye boots like mad and was so excited when I got them! But now, after wearing them for a year, they still hurt and I feel like a boots failure. Everyone raved to me how they were the best ever and I'm ashamed to admit that breaking them in is beyond me

yeah, i think you must be right about the music being added. i went to the exhibit at the moma and i can say that there isn't a piano just a microphone and you were encouraged to make whatever sounds you wanted to. it was actually a lotta fun, seeing as i dont usually get to scream in an art museum without fear of

to be fair, i thought they were for children

Not to mention my stepdad has tried four times to go vote but the lines were too long for him. His plan tomorrow is to take a folding chair and water and plans to camp out all day, as long as it takes. It would be amusing to imagine him camping out like it was the new Harry Potter movie or something if it wasn't,

It doesn't help that the ballot is twelve pages long. My mom was one of the lucky few that got to vote. She almost didn't, when she found out the wait time when she got there was four hours she nearly left but the woman working the site begged her to stay, saying that it was the shortest the line had been all day

HA!!!! Yes!!! I, too, am a Zumba instructor and I can almost hear them trying to up-sell prostitution as well as Zumbatomic and the Zumba conference at a certification training.

shes says she is offended by the text messages at 11:00