
Beaters? Who’s got that kind of cash on hand? Everybody else takes the bus.

This and a part time job waiting tables over the summer will allow you to pay your way through college debt free while saving for a house!

If you can’t afford to pay cash, you can’t afford that car.

This is really bad advice.

I fear what the blurry photo’s are hiding is gross carpets and stained interior that reeks of smoke.  bleh, CP

Like Realtors tend to say about land, “. . . they’re not making them anymore . . .” so if you reallyreallyreallyreally want to have a classic Volvo, this is your ticket.

I’ve always been a great believer in the health benefits of aimless drives.

I could have killed my wife today. Said, “Hey, I need to get out of the house, just gonna go for a drive”. Her response was “Great, let me put on pants, we need groceries!”. So instead of taking the Sky and aimlessly cruising the back roads of NJ, I wen to fucking Wegmans in an SUV.

This is the kind of stuff that keeps me coming back to Jalopnik.

I work in the Customs industry for a large multinational and I couldn’t imagine doing even our (relatively simple) importation process without a Customs Broker (and all of our specialized software). I feel like if your partner charged an hourly rate for all their work... This would quickly become the most expensive

My god. 2020 was so shitty, there were no french cars in NPOND.

Rob, I’m sure I speak for others when I say that reading Nice Price or No Dice is almost as important a part of my morning routine as a cup of coffee and taking a deuce. Thanks for what you do.

Great ideas but as always, so terribly implemented with the rubbish slideshow “feature”

Who thought that this slideshow format is a good idea?! Its terrible!!!! you can’t read the text below the image without scrolling down, then you have to scroll back up to click a small next link, not clicking on the image itself to go to next.

I didn’t click through because fuck slideshows, but I’ve found my air fryer to really only be useful for junk food.

Amazon is really two separate types of companies under one name.

witness people like Kenneth Lay, Dennis Kozlowski, etc. who make tens of millions of dollars a year, yet felt compelled to steal millions more from their companies.  

Guy in my neighborhood in his 80's no family owns a bunch of commercial property and spends a lot of his time yelling at people who park or drive on it without going to any of his businesses- during the pandemic he started building a wall of junk covering all the entrances until the city stopped him- he also yelled at

Moroun spent the ‘90s buying up cheap riverfront properties on both sides of the border with the stated intention of building a second span

I don’t really understand the people who forsake their legacy and standing in the community to simply make more money (I’m assuming they have a lot of money). It’s like how the leader of Amazon is seen by the rank and file. He has a crapton of money but by all accounts it’s a miserable place to work.