Mr. Shumway

Jorts & mirror shades, sweat pants & camo hats, and athletic attire on a fat guy. America’s finest, ladies & gentlemen.

Spike Lee can’t even figure out whose address to angrily tweet in this case.

Daptone is having a rough year. First Sharon Jones, now Charles Bradley.

The real kicker here is that Petty actually said the truth but didn’t realize the depth of his statement:

Okay, let’s do this because you don’t seem to understand the difference.

How do you keep up with comparative religion like that?

Important business tip: Never try to run your major corporation like it’s an Andy Kaufman performance piece.

I had no idea that he was in jail. But I guess that explains why he hasn’t shown us what he’s working with for some time now.

The children did not walk its way over the weekend, apparently

I thought this movie was a rock-doc about Danzig?

Oh fuck. McG. Didn’t he already fuck up the Terminator?

The dude in the RHCP shirt paid $19.99 for that MAGA cap, now he can’t give it away, now.

I love Planned Parenthood. Makes for a great 2nd date.

I just tell these assholes that our country was founded on disagreement.

“So let’s get this straight, Lurie actually believes that Kaepernick was protesting the National Anthem”

I’m so tired of this fake-ass “patriotism” bullshit. It attempts to shut down any discontented discourse by making someone feel like a traitor for a thought or disagreement. It’s basically passive-aggressive censorship and I’m done with it. It’s like anytime someone calls someone an anti-Semite when you voice

I found this comment subpar.

it’s like an icing of vulnerability on a cock rock cake.

I heard it’s because their wife flat out said “we’re not getting $1000 phones” before even saying hello to them on Tuesday.