
+ 1 tossed salad, hold the scrambled eggs

Holy shit!!! He’s 39!!??!! I’m 45 and unless I just completely let myself go, I don’t look as bad as he does. AND I DRINK A LOT!!!!!

So, Ross:

Seems like a typical right wing closet case.

So “slightly chunkier Reese Witherspoon” and slightly hairier “Sloth from The Goonies” failed to make it work. Romance really is dead.

Are Renaissance festivals hotbeds of poly-amory? Asking for a friend and another friend and a few others. 

Needlessly using $5 words is how one becomes a high-falutin’ conservative intellectual. That and dutifully repeating the same tired old propaganda to preserve the status quo from the growing hordes of liberals and brown people, of course.

Almost always used very weirdly. 

Ross Douthat is out here continually batting frenzied polyamorists away from his dick

If Ross wants to do research, tell him to go to any Renaissance festival.

Yeah its so boring which is why I remember exactly how she looked, what she said, what she was wearing, how she tasted, how she felt... but I was terribly bored the entire time. It’s definitely not the only time I almost had sex.

Also I went to Harvard and she was totally impressed with that. I didn’t bring it up, she

Love to write shitty Penthouse Forum letters about my sex life that also mention superfluously that I went to Harvard.

And I would do ANY THING FOR LOVE...oh I would do anything for love...but I won’t douthat....no I won’t douthat 

Polys want that cracker

I think a “chunkier Reese Witherspoon” is called a Reese’s Witherspoon.

I was walking to my seat at Camden Yards, hat on, toddler and diaper bag in hands and the anthem started playing. Before I could let out a groan, this old Fox News patriot hag immediately smacked me on the back of the head and told me how offended she was that I wouldn’t remove my hat. She then proceeded to tell me

I was at an Indians game either last year or the year before and a dude started yelling at me to take off my sunglasses for the national anthem.  I wish I was lying.

Yeah, but what about ANTIFA?

This guy clearly violated the terms of parole and they let him out without bail?  At the very least this should trigger a new sentence hearing for his prior offense.

Getting slammed head first into the ground does less brain damage than regularly watching FOX news