At first glance I read his shirt as “I taste everything.” That shirt would probably fit better.
At first glance I read his shirt as “I taste everything.” That shirt would probably fit better.
Those are some mighty fine cankles on Mr. Red Shorts.
Long ago there used to be bumper stickers in Georgia that read “Go Braves! And take the Falcons with you!” Maybe it’s time to bring those back.
Dude’s got thin skin when it comes to his name, I guess. My wife used to work in a cafe near his house. They put a Meyers Lemon Cupcake on the menu and he didn’t seem too thrilled.
Like hell I’m gonna try to intervene and get that guy’s spray tan gunk all over my good sleeveless vest. That shit sticks to you like tar.
Yes, ESPN2 just had whiparound coverage of all games produced by the MLS league pass yesterday. I’m guessing they didn’t have 10 fully trained guys ready to work at the same time, so some schlub ended up screwing it up.
Haven’t listened to much Outkast, have you? It’s A-T-L-iens.
Well, at least your striped polo shirt won’t look out of place in Beaverton.
Univision Canada’s viewership must consist solely of wealthy Spaniards on holiday in Whistler.
The announcer for Caracol Radio in Colombia is usually even more insane, though this particular call wasn’t his best (and was sadly lacking in metal riffs). His call of James’s goal vs. Paraguay rivaled Benediktsson’s meltdown for Iceland’s goal. I keep the stream going any time Colombia is playing, it’s well worth it.
Wait, who did what now?
Willy is not impressed.
There, finished that for you.
Well, at least the horses will be well-fed with all of the hay being made right there.
Yeah, that’s exactly what I’d expect it to look like if you mashed up a Mormon professor and a distance runner.
What, he’s just multitasking and getting his taint waxed during the game.
As someone who suffered through two years in a grad program at Duke, I can’t agree with this enough.
Did he just use “education” as a verb? That’s some good coach-speak right there.
Macon Coliseum was terrible when my high school team played there 20 years ago, and I’m sure not a whole lot has been done to improve the place since. But seriously, look at the layout for basketball. It would take two guys about five minutes to move the baskets to their proper spot. Come on, Georgia.
“clearly trying to diffuse a situation”