
I’m from Oregon, and I decided to spend a semester abroad studying at St. Andrews primarily to confirm that there is someplace that is colder, wetter, windier, and all around shittier, weather-wise. That notion was proven in just about one week. It’s a beautiful town, but Jesus is it miserable to spend time there.

I love Portland, Maine. The only time I’ve ever been there I got a parking ticket down on the waterfront. I read it and realized 1) it was for all of $12.50, and 2) since it was my first violation, I didn’t even have to pay! I guess they waive the first offense of the year for an expired meter and just consider it a

Do you pronounce that name with a K sound like Kyle, or with an S sound like seal? Is that a common Canadian spelling?

Works both ways. One of my favorite threats to someone I have no intention of raising a hand at is “if I wasn’t on parole I would kick the shit out of you right now.” Gets them to back off really quickly, every single time.

Upon repeat viewing, you’re right, doesn’t look like he was actually spitting AT him. So, he’s slightly less of a garbage person than I previously thought.

I wanted to strangle that addhole every time he refuses to place a “the” in front of a team name. “Portland Timbers have played well tonight”—-goddammit, you're on this continent now, learn the fucking rules.

Ah, you cut the video off a few seconds before Dempsey spits at the side ref on his way out. A fitting farewell from a classy man.

I tried this at the Ecliptic pub the other night. Your description is pretty spot-on—boozy, lots of tropical fruit from the hops, a nice sweetness to the malt and a touch of a candi sugar note that lets you know it’s the bastard progeny of a tripel. I never really got any red wine notes out of it, just wood and a mild

Hamm’s was my beer of choice during my early college years, for certain. The minifridge in my dorm room was pretty much just for holding a 12 pack of Hamm’s. I liked the stuff so much that, way back when companies hadn’t quite figured out how to promote themselves online, I owned hammsbeer.com for a while. Never did

You know damn well there’s no g in Yodelin’ Zeke’s name.

“Why exactly, @nbc, are you airing sports on @SyfyTV??!! There are people that don’t care for sports, just an FYI for the obtuse execs. Glaven.”

Man, it’s refreshing to see this type of discussion hasn’t declined into petty name-calling and dick-wagging over regional proclivities. That said, I’ve got to throw down for the west coast here. Top three:

Now playing

I’ve had Korobeiniki from Tetris as my ringtone for years. It never gets old, even though I’m approaching what could be considered “Old As Fuck.”

Sounds more like Fuhrer-stein, amirite? /Godwin

Man, I've made sure to pay attention at all times if I'm anywhere near the playing area at a game after the following two events took place:

The restaurant where I work has an art installation on display right now featuring concert posters by various artists, all of which are for sale. Some are pretty cool for the art, others for the bands, others for both. For the life of me, I have no fucking idea who would like Ed Sheeran enough to drop $90 on a concert

There's something to be said for maintaining local ownership in our institutions. Folks in Oregon put a big premium on that, which is why the 10 Barrel deal was such a big deal a few weeks ago. A young, up-and-coming company with pretty good roots in the community is suddenly owned by Belgians and Brazilians. The

0-4 on the day!

Rasheed Wallace is in awe of Lynch's verbal efficiency, just thinking back and wondering why he resorted to using four whole syllables like a damn sucker.

It's good stuff for sure, but like you, I've never paid for any of it, so I guess I can't provide an accurate assessment of "value." My wife's boss gave her a bottle about a year ago and we still haven't opened it. Just got up to check the date on it and realized the bottom of the bottle says it's from freakin' 2003