I have always enjoyed reading Gothamist, always liked Jen Chung, so this will be interesting...also had no idea Jake and Jen were the founders.
I have always enjoyed reading Gothamist, always liked Jen Chung, so this will be interesting...also had no idea Jake and Jen were the founders.
“More Access, Less Coverage”...sounds pretty shitty to me. People will stay in network to have more coverage, especially as they get older past 30 & people with families.
This was an SNL skit this weekend, I swear it was.
Please put this Kansas asshole Roger Marshall on the Dick of the Week Podcast. fuck this guy.
Literally, she is a nut case. It seems everything bad to her is caused because of her. You can not have an overdose if you stay on cocaine type of thinking here.
I am not even going to click on that video. I am sitting here like WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF and I have seen the show before and still. WTF WTF WTF WTF.
ok sorry about that!
yes, it needs to be off. It was fun for a bit and I found out who Blake Shelton actually was, watched Maroon 5 be relevant again. But I am bored. Who can rememeber all these ppl coming on it anyways?! They all say this will change my life, etc. but there are so many ppl who cares?
I agree with most of what you said except for Whitney & Mariah. Are you implying that Whitney and Mariah are black icons? Yes they are by definition of success but I do not recall #1 “Activist” or love of black culture song ever made by these too. They are commercial singing successes, emphasis on “commercial”.
Who is Beyonce exploiting though? Is this an argument that other black women are not aware of? I am like???? Please share where this is coming from.
Maybe I am too this argument a few days late but who are the “popular black feminists” you mention? To me, Brittany Packnett is a black feminist, who probably would not label herself as such but I do not think black women like her are interested in NOT being free.
I love this stupid show. I want it to be on forever into eternity.
A white supremacist “hanging around the hallways of the Gaylord National Harbor Hotel” LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
How do you find your town hall? I tried for Bed Stuy Brooklyn and got nowhere. I googled NYC and got nothing but useful.
I can not watch Milo anymore except to play Jess from Gilmore Girls. it is very weird to see him “grown up” as someone who is not Jess.
Ashley I. the one who cries, just backed up your thought on a Buzzfeed podcast. She says you are crazy to go on the Bachelor & tell yourself you are “finding your husband, there to fine love” you are fooling yourself. She said she went on to further career as a broadcaster and go on trips.
I know she is half Iranian but it was not really discussed that I know of. Neither was Andi being Jewish, etc.
I am a long time fan of this show and I am happy a black person is finally the lead. I am not surprised it took this long. This show (to my understanding) has a mostly white audience & no way in hell did I think it would ever happen. I am so used to not seeing myself represented. Scandal is like one of the only TV…
Donald Trump can go to hell & I am a Christian. I do not want anyone to actually to go to hell but some evil people can just rot there, fuck them and their sin.