
LOL on Clare and Dale. I mean....just LOL. 

He is the definition of white male privilege and is the most entitled man I have seen. I want to hashtag this and say #theblacksdon’tlikeyou and #youareaflop

I know of TBN but I have never even heard of this network and I grew up in a Christian household and am born again. I went to the website and it advertises a “prayer shawl” for a generous “donation” of $111. No thanks. I will happily go back to listening to Jesus Culture and reading about Rachel Held Evans.

she has had work done, hence the fall out when she began selling her pills anyways

yes, she has done this before, just not to James. And this is exactly what happens.

she edits herself

Wow, I have no idea how this is going on via the kiddie level. I am dying! LOL. How do you explain to children what James is even being accused of? These children and just beginning puberty...I am pregnant now so I have no child currently to ask. I would never buy a sisters hoodie for my kid, FYI. I am a huge watcher

People are on Tati’s side but she is not innocent either. She has made a habit out of crying online when people are “mean” to other. James is not permanently cancelled. He will continue at some point to make videos and ignore any more issues. Gabriel Zamora is way more entertaining as far as messiness goes and I look

He writes music for a living. I have no idea why he thinks people will believe that but he did get away with a lot already so i guess he still thinks he can continue his stupidity.

I do not mind that Swift had a marching band. The real issue is that I saw very short clips of said drummers and it was SO BAD. The drummers are not into the performance, they barely look like they are actual there to perform music. They look corney. A little child drumming is more impressive. I have seen Taylor in

I agree, this rule is so stupid. Like, they are trying to monitor what you wear in your own personal car. This is not even walking into the school. I am pregnant in my third trimester and am wearing maternity leggings. And I am fully clothed, business casual attire. This would make my child not be able to be dropped

Ever since that Asian doctor was dragged down the aisle bleeding by cops, I swore never to fly United again. Not surprised at all this BS happened. Hopefully she can get the employee fired.

The Rubberband Man” LOL what! These rap names are like 3 year old spooky childhood villains.

This is the dumbest shit ever. I am a Christian and abortion is not what saved me Jesus is. These people are liars and crazy asses.

Wow I can not believe the mom ok’d this. This is awful. This girls needs to be in school reading books. Not have her leg propped up like some sleazy kiddie bride, even as a joke...I would literally chase my daughter out of the house Medea style if she did this. To fake a pregnancy? I would like lose my marbles. My

maybe someone was blocked they are referencing? I keep seeing someone call someone body else “tomato”?

I am kind of confused why people are mad at your comment. You never state that you agree with the things public schools do for such situations. You just stated the unfortunate reality that happens a lot in public schools. I question the sanity of some of the commenters really.

This is so more entertaining that half naked girls dancing.

She is 15! I thought the girl was 12 or 11. I wonder how long she is going to keep this going as she goes through puberty...

This is terrible and I a part of me wants her to burn in hellfire forever. I am wondering how on earth she was allowed to adopt 7 children in the first place.