
These people are all crazy. This religiosity is just Christian jihad. This is a fast food restaurant that makes you fat. Like making people fat is not honoring God either. “first wives!” lol I bet they are all trump supporters too! What wife is he on (at the current moment) or in or behind, lol. She can die on her

I bought my house through an organization called NACA. I recommend it for people who are priced out of other programs due to making to much money. My husband and I did not qualify for other programs due to our income being too high but we not enough saved to due 20% down on a 300,000 property. We found out about NACA

So his mother and siblings are citizens or permanent residents (unless they were born in the Us and he wasn’t) so he eventually had to know about his own legal status. I wonder is his current status just neglect of his own not to try to take care of it earlier through other means...i am not sure but I believe the

I am for them trying to rid themselves of the founder’s trash talk. Some brands are started by problematic people and they eventually lose control or sell the business, etc and the new CEO goes in a new direction (like the cosmetics line Lime Crime for example and the late Brandon Truaxe of Deciem). I know the company

Tom Sandoval is 36 years old! I thought Jax and Kristen were the oldest but I guess not. Yikes. I do not want to know how old Schwartz is. He always looks drunk. Outside of like co-owning a small percentage of a bar with Lisa, it is like sort of sad they still portray this party lifestyle. They are all too old to do

I am glad you shared this statement, I was wondering how someone in a coma/brain dead got pregnant after a sexual assault and then gave birth, that didn’t quite make sense.

She should speak out for more roles, more money for Latinas and Spanish speaking actors and actresses for more fair wages. And if she sees black women doing it and then is encouraged to do it for herself, then I applaud her. There is nothing wrong with wanting an all latina cast in a major film like Black Panther or

Ok Iyanla is nuts, throw her away.

I was a theater major and although I am no longer in theater, I hold it very dear to my heart. I have seen a lot of existential crazy theater as a student and well into my 20s so this doesn’t shock me that much actually. Once I read Cloud 9, I realized theater was weird and there are really no limits to what anyone

I am very excited about this. I know Kim K. and other celebrities were involved in making her case noticeable so I am a bit confused-on another note-why she is doing more for blacks than her actual black husband lately. But otherwise, I am thrilled the Black Lives Matter ppl cornered the governor.

Of course I think he is like Kanye except on the other end of the spectrum. Really, there is no difference between him and Kanye except Kanye is not out here running a scam. I hate black people that prey on their own. He is a snake and does more damage pretending to lift us up.

I am so excited for this stupid teen Netflix movie. I am 36 and have watched this movie like 10x already and I have no idea why I can not stop watching it.

They punish black mothers so much in this country. She was getting a daycare voucher so she can work while her child has responsible supervision. This makes me sick. 

They are like Niki and Cardi B of the conservative racists.

the first season was good. I stopped after the first season.

This is an interesting article. I am 10 weeks pregnant today. No way in hell due to the symptoms is anyone having sex with me. My breasts hurt, my back is now hurting me and is sore, my stomach is now getting stiff, I get nauseous once/twice a week with horrible headaches where I want to pass out, I have on and off

I believe you can have sex while pregnant safely, the issue is do you want to do that with strangers while VERY pregnant? She never says what type of “sex” she is doing? Oral? full on penetration, just masturbation? She could be doing a million different things which is not available info in the article, from what i

First of all, let’s point out he was very foolish and that is why he died. I am a Christian and am for missionaries spreading the gospel since I believe we should do it and we are commanded to do it. And I have given to support ministry in other countries as well. Most missionaries I have known of, in fact all of them

I understand what the teacher was trying to do but he did not need a KKK costume to do it. He should have 1) Realized the controversy that would ensue 2) Realize children has CELL PHONES and 3)He should have consulted with another minority teacher/coworker or the principal, etc to do this idea and he would have been

There are so many ways to deal with a student you deem is being rude or whatever the case is. You can warn the student to leave the classroom and call them out and embarrass them. And if they do not, you can mark them low if there if participation and attendance is included in the grade overall. She just could have