
Has someone already said Millie looks like a baby Natalie Portman?

HOLD UP. James’ girlfriend is 19....!!!!! My first thought was, “She is from Terese Guidcide’s stylized New Jersey 1999, 26/27 MAYBE, skinny (please someone feed her)

“panting with stress and discomfort”, yes this is exactly how I am feeling. Some little 13 year old girl will think this is brillant. He can sing but everything else is like, why?

I just hate this man and wish Twitter would delete his account.

This is interesting, while I see your point, I believe stupid human beings have used the Bible to oppress people in full. But your comment sparked memories of a meeting my church had last year (church is mostly younger black folks but we do have handfuls of gentrifying whites & other races). My pastor, who is black,

I want to know how he has so much time on his hands to make insults on his personal twitter. I know ceos and doctors and moms and myself who can barely keep it together to make dinner.

I want him to have a heart attack, an ephiphany of the apostle Paul (fat chance) or well God just end his life or his is blind and dumb or something .

I made it a minute and four seconds in before I hadn’t to stop it , I think I did well

Wow I know we are disputing him spanking his child pros and cons a week or two ago but now I see her concerns,he is nuts and abusive and an asshole. I believe her. And to think he thought he could win her back with an badly selling dedication album hahahhahah.

Wait, is this the “pig island” that was on the Bachelor a year or two ago?

I do own a jack russell and enjoy their stupid little races, not all animal races are bad. Jacks chase things on their own.

I wouldn’t even pay $250 to be the first John Mayer fan in line to suck his dick and I am a pretty BIG John Mayer fan (yes I am made fun of for years for liking him by my non church friends) (yes my Christian friends hate me over it as well so society hates me, yes, yes and yes).

No, you can not and I do not think it is your responsibility, as long as white women and all women are listening and taking other miniotiies seriously. It is easier to convert an atheist to Christianity than to change someone’s political mind regarding this. I just think the Trump voters need to feel “screwed over” by

I love ALLLLLL The Twitter trolls who keep saying, that march was for nothing, Trump isn’t racist, the “left” makes things up but Trump is a LIAR FROM HELL.

Sorry but did you read my comment correctly??????????????????????????????????

WOW. I was just to type the same thing. This little girl murderer needs like Jesus, an exorcism, death, disease, therapy, hell... I do not know what else. I do believe in Satan, here is my proof. some people are just evil, want to be evil, choose to be evil.

No, when we first got married, he made that comment during our first year. I was like “you can not be serious”..He was previously already engaged to a Ugandan woman and it didn;t work out so I did not think he was like...that stupid.....

no one needs to see Lala Land. Both Gosling and Stone were better together in previous movies they did.

I wish I knew. I keep getting the feeling for real-for real-that Obama was the cool “negro”, the awesome black man that made whites feel good about themselves, like they all live in fucking Lala Land the movie. They couldn’t be sexist, racist, evil, if they supported Obama. They were good Christians and loved blacks

I feel like this whole article should be directed at Sarah Silverman’s twitter thoughts over the past 4 days.