
I feel like this whole article should be directed at Sarah Silverman’s twitter thoughts over the past 4 days.

I think all white women need to do is listen. Everyone needs to listen & foster communication, like I understand black children are not safe in this country, little girls, regardless of color, are not safe in this country, etc etc.

Just listen, specifically to black mothers who fear their sons and daughters being killed, being persecuted against. I remember HRC brought black mothers whose sons and daughters were killed in police brutality, racial oppression. That made me love Hilary, that got our attention, just letting us tell our stories and

yes, yes, yes, thank you for your reponse. All white women need to do is listen.

my mother in law is white (and so is my husband) and I adore her but guess what???? She voted Trump and said Obama let her down (she had voted Obama twice) and she said CNN was telling lies...OMG I almost died at Christmas. My husband went on a rant and starting yelling. I-however- was not surprised. She has a son

Amen on what you said.

This is a good interview. A solid interview. I ask if you are white, that you just listen. Listen and take seriously black women, Asian women, Muslim women, etc. You are doing yourself a disservice when we can come together stronger. We all have vaginas, I wish it was not so sad & seperate. And the same for other

How was he a mayor? Of a major city that I live in? Some commenter on Gothamist last year suggested he has dementia or something and he hoped that if he had lost his mind when getting older, his family would stop him from doing with Guiliani is doing.

please tell me this is a fake tweet, i can not even anymore with this old fuck.

These stupid Trump supporters have an answer for everything on Twitter. Fox News tells the truth, Hilary lost so shut up, Cry Liberal tears. Blah, Blah, Blah. Well what is their cutesy answer for this crap?

I hate that Target, I use the one on Nostrand near Brooklyn College.

I am sorry for your grandmother, am praying. My dad passed last year in Hospice Care.

I hope this nut is eaten by a bear. This is actually in the Bible, bears attacking people and killing them.

Yeah and he is a Democrat selling in NYC, in his NYC work office.....Wonder why there are no takers?!!! And a Jewish man went to a white surpremist site to make a buck, wow.

oh you just made me laugh at loud at midnight before bed, thank you.

And then they want to take away a woman’s health care that would get care for her during her pregnancy anyways. These people make me puke. I am praying Trump does something so outrageous he is thrown out of office by the army or something.

“DJ Ravidrums, The Piano Guys”..What “Stomp the Musical” was not available?

Ok...no I did not state that. But I am pretty sure spanking did not cause my siblings mental issues, believe me they were born with them. Spanking does not help mental issues, it doesn’t make it go away. Do you have a relative who is mentally ill?

I see your viewpoints and I though I am not a parent yet, I would probably perform in the same manner. I have seen young children (as a person who has child care experience since the age of 15) act in all types of bad behavior & the parents just do not do anything, especially not spanking. Sometimes it may be needed

I think it depends on what the child is doing personally & how the child responds to the discipline before spanking. I am not a parent but I was beat and didn’t have behavior problems. My brother & sister did but they also had mental issues that to this day, my mother doesn’t/refuses to understand. I can imagine if my