
Wow, I knew Cassie had the occasional haters but really? This BITCH couldn’t last even 2 minutes in a Poppilates/Blogilates workout. Obviously, I am a HUGE fan of Cassie, met her twice, and she really does work hard and teach healthy eating and meals. This idiot obviously has issues some people are self made and

YIKES is what I have to say. Damn, the makeup is bad. It is THAT BAD. If they were going to cast Zoe, she should have done it in her natural skin. Miss Piggy as Nina Simone would be a better choice!

Sorry but what type of just world is this that ppl like Donald Trump are still alive and Prince is dead? I don’t wish anyone dead but like...

I agree, these ppl belong in JAIL. I want to know who excactly committed suicide when their bullshit wasn’t for sale anymore!

Hopefully they will just pull it two weeks after it bombs like Jem “the suck movie”.

I love Chrissy Teigen, thanks for reviewing this!

Also depends where you live. I have an arts degree and am an accountant. Much better pay when I finally went back to school for accounting. I have2 Bachelors, not sure if I can reconstruct that as a Master’s in my mind at least.

They did put makeup on her to make her look two or more shades darker aka “more ebony” or whatever nonsense they did. They also gave her nappy hair/kinky hair and altered her nose. She is Latina as well and not just african american, I think this is why ppl are annoyed at it.

yes, they are like CHANGING her race from one thing to another. It is insane.

It is awkward to watch but Saldana is now getting a lot of higher profile roles than most actresses do in a lifetime. She could have passed on this film and went to star in something else, especially with all the production horrors. Nina Simone is a big deal and with all the ridiculous race casting going on lately,

Martin Shkrelihas only gotten more attention with his stupid tweeting. His whole career now is tweeting and making fun of the legal system issues he has, like stealing millions of dollars.

Control, he likes control and power. Rapists like to victimize with these things. Also, a judge ruled against her so to him, it is his reputation as well. He was RIGHT when it comes down to it on paper, despite everyone else knowing otherwise

No, I do agree with you. I have been on this site since Tracey went as SlutMachine. It was just a knee jerk response to “light skin” in general. I just literally nailed in on that word a bit too quick.

I agree. To alter her ethnicity for a role....reminds me of when Mickey Rooney played an Asian in Breakfast to Tiffany’s. The whole thing is gross.

calm down.

thanks! Being black my whole life, I am pretty sure what it is.

Yes, that is correct but I would not used the term“light skin”. Both are dark skinned. Not to have a chocolate contest, but many Dominicans look blacker than me or the same shade. Mariah Carey is light skinned, to me that is what “light skinned” is.

The makeup and nose is like ridiculous. But Zoe Salana is “lightskinned?” compared to who?

Are these women auditioning to be Madea’s new sidekicks?

This is why I love white people, they really are amazing, this is hilarious.