
The reporter said he was “precocious”.... and he owns an PDF in “what”? he is not “comfotable disclosing”? WTF WTF WTF. And there are lots of titles of doctors, how about LIAR, that is a great title.

His website says he uses, “mechanical methods, such as air, water, light, heat, earth..”

I totally agree with you. I would be standing murder if my husband did that. Forget revenge porn, he would just be dead.

Moe is a waitress and single mom?!

I do remember that interview! Mo & Date rape is something nuts.

I had to star your comment, well said.

Jia, this may be somewhat off topic, but as far as your writing I have really loved it on the site, specifically your music reviews of female musicians. Kehlani and Claire McGuire are always playing on my Spotify now.

The commenting and greys are new. Remember when EVERYTHING you commented as like published? And remember the gold stupid star system?

Thank you, that was very well said.

The issue is that is site was ALWAYS a clit bait model, always.

As a long time reader, who started reading this site from like the beginning, when Tracey still went by “SlutMachine, this site has changed dramatically over the years with writers being hired, being fired, and obviously leaving own their own account (not to mention all Gawker reading formats change every 3

this is the best comment, THANK YOU

Is anybody else creeped out by this whole trailer. Even the text script creeped me out. ABC TGIF is fondly in my memories...this is all creepy as f&*&. Do the original actors/actresses come back? I am just creeped out period. Like an old uncle you want to forget about is begging you for money in retirement kind of

I want to star you but can not! Kinja is broken:(

How many seconds before tix sell out?! I bet 5 seconds.


Having a nanny doesn’t make you any less of a mother. Some people can afford them and do not need them, some people need them and can not afford them and some people need them and can afford them. And some women choose to have relatives take care of young children and work. Some women have that luxury of having family

I think so. I never really saw them outside of Southeastern PA area but apparently they expanded into other states but went bankrupt anyways.

“In the 1970s, our attitude was, ‘We are not of this world, Jesus is coming, so why bother with government?’” Amedee told Reuters. “Now, we know we are the government.

I had to have a Skipper doll in 2nd & Third grade. Begged my mother countless times for it. She finally bought one from a place called Kiddie City in Levittown, PA. This is probably what it looked like. I remember she had blonde hair and a bathing suit and cost less than $10. The Skipper doll today has brown hair and