
I really do agree with a lot of points in this article. I am in an interacial marriage and the way my parents behave now that they are closer to retirement age vs my husband’s parents are completely different. My parents have an expectation of me to help them later in now financially vs my husband’s parents who do

See all you sinners, take note, Jesis is real and pulled this movie out of the theaters, seriously this is ALMOST as good as Easter!

Who is Chocolate Rain Guy?!

I disagree with you. If he was dong what she accused him of, especially little girls, he is a creep. It may have been slightly dangerous but if you think the police take stalking and sexual crimes seriously, then you are not a US citizen. You are on planet somewhere else.

Y’know with all the privelage, class and education this “Upper East Side” couple has, I would like to point out that someone living in any NYC project would have cursed or beat the hell out of the rug people for even giving a 30k estimate. These people are rich lunatics of the worst kind.

These men are awful. I wish I could punch them in the face.

It is if tourists (or others) take pictures. It is not the beach, it is Time The child can not give consent.

I love that this article is written. I am obessed with what I labeled “The Dead People Channel” > I love every show on this stupid network. I do not think it is on anymore but Wicked Attraction was my favorite. Love Deadly Women. And Snapped marathons are always on but I know they are on Oxygen. I love Joe Kenda,

Now we know how people OUTSIDE of NYC are entertained. #Donotmissthesuburbs

Yes, because a child knows how to calmly “accept” arrest. That child is scared out of her mind and is screaming & confused, NOT RESISTING. I hope you never, ever have children.

Rachel Dolzeal, this is what it means to be black in America. Please tell us your experience of being hit and arrested and having your jaw broken as an authentic member of our community.

No, this woman is crazy. I can not even, she is nuts. She can not “identity” with the black experience and “choose”. She is crazy. And she is a college educated psychopath.

All of this mayhem about this nutty lady as made me forget to read Kitchenette Behind Closed Ovens!

Who is this, she is a genius.

THANK YOU. Thank you for everything you just said.

Oh! This is soooo refreshing after reading all the crazy white lady race lying stories today. BLESSED BE.

This is the best post of the day.

Wow, this is serious. Like I am black and have natural hair & do not even know what I am. 4, 3, 2,1, 7, 8, ? I just buy Shea Moisture and put in on my hair even 2 weeks.

This just really, really sad. I think she would have had much more of an impact if she chose to accept being white and chose to teach about racism, black culture, black identity..She could have changed and impacted how whites treat blacks in America. There is nothing wrong with a white person being committed to black

Wow, I know he was old but 93! That is incredible. He was awesome. Awesome Actor, Awesome British Person, Awesome Villian. Just Awesome.