
well, my church doesn't preach homosexuality is contagious..or a perversion...Most other churches that preach against use some verses regarding sodomy in the Old & New Testament, sometimes referring to temple prostitution, aka the secular activity going on with some other religions being practiced at the time. I have

This is Black Israelite trash talk. Not the Christian Church. Any any Christian church that preaches against homosexuality is stupid. Jesus' followers were liars, thieves, prostitutes. David murdered a man and had an affair and didn't discipline his kids. Solomon had close to 1,000 wives and worshiped foreign gods. I

HELL YES THEY ARE CRAZY. They are not Christian, they are not Jewish, they are just racist idiots.

Yes. I majored in theater, am a production accountant and have Sam Shepard tattooed on my arm and just bought a ticket.

I do not like being called "African" American b/c I am from Pennsylvania and have never been to Africa. In fact, I actually do not really care to go there ever, really unless I get a free safari trip to see animals. Like the author, I have mixed heritage in my family. I think most Americans (as most ppl) probably do.

why do ppl like Perry movies? Why does Sara Silverman make jokes? Seriously....

I do like (for the most part) Tyler Perry's content, not all of it. And I am a black Christian female, born again, all that good stuff. For me, when I first saw Perry, was he funny?? YES. Because Madea is crazy. The things that "she" says (aka the male-she/drag says), the things she does are hilarious. She is loud,

I see what you mean but I do not believe that art & Sam Shepard can be like put in the same category as a boob job or a "shoulder" implant... Art is used for communication purposes and other purposes...yes, we can use art and art forms for "entertainment" but people who read Anne Sexton and Neil Labute do not have the

I agree. I love Family Guy and know what his kind of humor is. His humor is mean and there isn't really a nice way about it but I guess I am sort of a mean sarcastic person so I think he is funny. It doesn't matter who he or the writers on his show poke fun at. If I didn't know he was hosting the Oscars, I wouldn't

This is so true! My ex is "the Stalker" and "cheapo". Still owes me $100 plus and keeps calling me after I block his current #, gets a new # and calls to see I am ready to come back to him.

who is that barbie man?? Pec implants>Biceps and Triceps implants<5 Nose Jobs = gross.

I do like that you have made your mind about who Christ is based on what He did and said and have looked into this yourself. Either Christ as God as He said He is or He is a big fat liar and the greatest manipulator of all time, the biggest hoaxster, there is no in-between based on the claims He made. A lot of ppl I

As stated before, I do not like the enemies of God and I think these ppl have aligned themselves as false prophets God spoke about. The person who started this group is a mind manipulator and an evil man. I am thrilled the younger ones are getting out and should hopefully this will cause an awakening in the group and

I just do not like the enemies of God, do you? I am a Brooklyn hipster in Bed Study that makes soap. If someone wants to speak up, good for them and they get a sparkle Jesus star.

Yes, I do listen to myself. I am a Christian and I believe in hell. Despite the many annoying denominational differences and ongoing legalism blah/blah/blah that I do not like or involve myself with, I do believe in hell. Jesus Christ talked about it and I do believe the Jews in the O.T. believed in a heaven and a

THANK YOU! He is a very good guitarist and most people do not understand this from his album music. You really need to see him live in concert to appreciate this.

I am an avid John Mayer fan. I loved him back in 2002 and have adored his music since. What made me over the moon was seeing him play live and that stupid face he makes when he plays his music makes me believe he is purely joyful as an artist and many people never quite get there with their art. And seeing that joy,

yay, I agree, I love you.

No individual Christian is going to change years of persecution by the church as a whole, Protestant or Catholic. Is one nice white person going to change slavery for me? Ummm, no. And because I am a Christian that is not against homosexuality, I do not expect for my Hello Kitty, Hipster Love Jesus/Love Brooklyn

Awesome! Make your $$$ then :)