what exactly do you do!
what exactly do you do!
WOW. I am a borhn again Christian but really? WTF? It is bad enough idiotic Republicans want to mititgate what goes on in my womb if I was pregnant but my menstrual cycle? This is not Christianity. Jesus didn't die to save my blood clots.
for me it always has but i like the writers so i try to stay here for them no the layout of the sites every 6 months that is rolled out.
see but it isn't. these sites changes all the time, sometimes multiple times per year. that is the way it has been. i have been reading this site since it started and to be honest the minute Moe T. left and the new designs started rolling out, I am been confused ever since. I stay because Tracie Morrisey Egan is still…
What was the commenting procedure that was on Gawker that was introduced early June? Was that pre-baby Kinja? Is this the final Kinja? I am confused, as I was just getting used to that one...
I agree with you. I feel that she is relevant and honest. Although I am not sure what her actual "job"/title is (is she a political commentator/writer or paris hilton attention equivalent of a politician) ...I feel that even other commentators here are saying some of her views seem "mismatched" with other stances like…
I actually want to do this after seeing Lindsay Pavao on The Voice. But my hair is relaxed and I am unsure of how it will look if I have get the big chop on one side of my head and the other is not..
I know right!!!!!! OLD jezebel, oh my gosh!
Your dog has been missed, missed, missed.
Oh Tracie, Tracie, Tracie, Tracie. Congrats on getting married and your baby and being a kickass momma and wife. But you have been MISSED, MISSED, MISSED.
Ok, merry Christmas to me, Mad Men is like OK but when did Alexis Bledel star on it now! Old Gilmore Girl thoughts are happy to me now.
does this fly from the usa?!! i want to go on this!
I agree with you but the government is not financially in its greatest moment right now. There is a huge deficit , a huge unemployment rate and other problems. Maybe this is the way the government is passing the buck to someone else to explain the 57% HIV increase ,which is an incredible percentage rise.
Since it is an illegal sex ring, those poor girls and women are most likely victims themselves and should be given medical help and professional care instead of their pictures being released. That is awful. How are they supposed to move on with their lives or get other work?
I am not sure if babies can develop racial differences but as children get older they notice it and react to it, specifically if the parents or another adult around the children have racist tendencies. That type of behavior will definitely rub off on a growing and learning mind. I think people are taught to be…
Are the charges she is faced with make her lose her child? What is the actual state law on child endangerment vs. child abuse?
please advise to why my comment was seen as against community policy..thanks.
Agreed. Her appearance is grotesque and something she chose to do. While she may indeed have a mental problem/issue of some kind that views this as beautiful, we know that this is not normal behavior for a Caucasian person to literally look like another entire race of people that God didn't even make..that skin color…
I mean, I guess the irony in all of this is that women on average, live longer than a man does.