
I do not even know what you are saying is truthful but you are a funny writer-hopefully this doesn't offend any Jews :)

I agree with you very strongly....I am not certain of all beliefs of the Mormon church but Protestants (as far as I know, as I am one) only believe in adult baptism by choice after conversion (not even baby baptism)..i find it very creepy that you can baptize ppl after death, even those that are not members of your

Does anyone notice how OVERWEIGHT the second mom is?? Mommy Fatty cakes, you need to lose 4 lbs and more, not your little toddler daughter, idiot.

ha, i see your point!!!!! I have not been that deep into Demi Lovato, even though she seems to be through a lot and is probably honest with that in her music. I am almost 30 and tend to leave the 18 year old Disney fluff crowd alone. I ignored Taylow Swift for a long time b/c she was younger than me as well and seemed

you need to listen to the Christian music she wrote at 15. It blows my mind as as some Christian pop is very corny, her lyrics are very sound. remind me of Jen Knap & Third Day. Her worship music (which is not as "pop" as her secular career) actually shows a strong maturity but y'know it didn't sell. Girls kissing

Honestly, if you know Katy's story, she was dropped on and off over and over from the safe of 14/15 from record deals. She always wrote her own music, plays the guitar, etc. I feel like...she did what she needed to do to make a living from music. She was broke, she was behind on her bills, she was depressed a bit b/c

Yes, but Taylor Swift is actually talented, writes her own songs and plays a damn guitar. She does write lovelovelovelove country pop music and is young still but i feel like at every point my love life has been reflected in her music. She is not shaking her ass. She is not drunk falling over. Her songs do have merit

oh you are hilarious.

Wow, I thought I was mean. It is hard to insult me but this is just fucking low...I did laugh though...but really?!!

I think Europeans are much thinner because they prepare their food smarter and do not overeat. I worked in an office with a lot of expats who would grumble about how as soon as they got here, they gained 20 lbs. I do agree that the health care industry and food/nutrition is completely broken...So many people raise

I do not think this guy is misogynistic. Although I do not know this person's writing history, etc. I do not think it was ever meant to be taken "seriously" as Winston Wu, who is actually "serious". People have been making fun of Uggs for a while now. I am a feminist and could have written the same thing in 2

If a woman wrote this, would everyone still be all upset?? "fuck that guy" is a little overboard. I think the guy is funny and he has wit and is sarcastic. If this WAS in a comedy routine, I think this would be appropriate. When was the last time anyone actually believed Lisa Lampanelli? The point of this is to laugh

??? Bird shit facial? available where?!

i agree with you and the whole thing about that passage addressed cultural things at the time. Apparently God is very pro pro pro women. Ask Deborah, Ruth, Naomi, etc. etc. etc.

um, I think the Bible is pretty reliable. The Jews are fucking geniuses are keeping records.

are you serious!! Where is the proof of this? I want to write to a senator or something to complain. Forget the internet block thing that was going on yesterday, this is something to rightfully complain about.

I am a born again Christian and this is just stupid and awful. I do not believe in purity pledges. They do not work, they are stupid and these idiots could be doing meaningful ministry work like feeding hungry children or helping Aids victims.

Is it the teacher's responsibility to stop bullying all the time? I mean, yes, if a teacher has a child they see bullying other children, children that they worry may have abuse at home, other kid's acting out with bad behavior, etc. they should bring it up to the proper authorities and it should be addressed. But a

who the hell is comparing diabetes to aids?

you are SO correct